Genome editing essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Philosophy

Document 1

There are arguments that the alteration of genes might have an effect on the future generations, and hence, the genetically modified genes can widen within the human gene pool bringing unforeseeable dangers. For instance, scientists who are against genome editing cite an example of the sickle-cell anemia trait, which protects the carrier from malaria arguing that genome editing will have unforeseen dangers. Despite these fears, many scientists have thrown their support on genetic editing citing several advantages, and over time, the risks associated with genome editing have diminished. These benefits include treatment of infertility disorders and prevention of diseases. Although genome editing might have some unforeseen dangers, it is clear that with research, genome editing can be invaluable in the prevention of diseases and treatment of infertility issues (Rubeis, & Steger, 135). Apart from prevention of genetic disorders, germline genome editing is beneficial in the treatment of infertility disorders.

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This can be applied through the non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) in males. For females who have a missense mutation in the TUBB8 in oocytes, germline genetic editing is the only solution. Today, the only available technology for such patients to bear children is gamete donation, which is constrained by ethical and logical implications. Gamete donation is illegal in many countries and this means that gamete donation is not a solution for couples with genetic disorders. Works Cited Gyngell, C. A. and J. Savulescu. The Medical Case for Gene Editing.

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