Global Citizen report
So I thought since one cannot hold citizenship of multiple states then the term global citizen was misplaced and unrealistic. It appeared that it was an illusion, an idea that was rather frail and of wishful thinking. I did not think it would be an effective and result bearing way of approaching globalization, based on my realists view towards diplomacy laws and principles. Secondly, my feeling towards the term global citizen, was one of uncertainty and naivety. I understood that as citizens of our respective sovereign states, we have rights, duties and obligations derived from the law. My perception was that just as many theories that had come before about enhancing globalization, and had died a natural death, this one too would not amount to anything. I amplified the challenges against its possibility and practicability.
My view was limited due to lack of exposure and information. However, the society and the world at large keeps growing and developing. Truth be told that Globalization is inevitable. Global citizenship therefore connotes the belief that as private citizens, we ought to think and operate global so al to defeat any limitations that may be in place because of our individual state inclinations. Erman, & Follesdal, 2012). With the foregoing, a global citizen therefore encourages, acts and propagates practice and processes which when observed, they will enhance globalization. While such a citizen is doing so, and with the help and partnership of over likeminded individuals, they together develop a virtual community to which they belong and they then address themselves as Global citizens, belonging to that community. Clearly, with the space available to private actors, in both exercise of political power and their input in developing states, I feel that global citizenship has never been more realistic than this.
Murphy, 2000) Therefore, global governance is an essential avenue upon which the international community joins together, in unity, to pool resources so as to tackle and handle issues of great importance but which have escaped the control of individual sovereign states. This may include terrorism, poverty, population, disarmament, international criminal organizations, human rights and infectious diseases. Murphy, 2000) Generally, globalization has led to the reordering of the global system taking most issues “global”, meaning they are not within the ambit of a single state. Waltz, 1998). This change in global systems can be warranted to the advent of technological innovations which have been felt majorly in telecommunications, information dissemination and also infrastructural enhancement in technology. McNeill, 1994). More so, there has been intense revolution in governance aimed at devolving and sharing power among governance authorities across governments and organizations, which has diluted centrality of political power and ideas.
In conclusion, my views have changes essentially because of the subtle understanding of the global trends today. The landscape in globalization today has given chance to many actors, including organizations, states and individuals thus developing a need for global citizenship. Kent, 2004) Increased number of actors has translated to diversity of activities conducted at the global level which influence adjudication and review of global systems which govern those activities. Erman, E. and A. Follesdal (2012). “Multiple Citizenship: Normative Ideals and Institutional Challenges. ” Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 15(3): 279-302. G. “Reconstituting the global public domain: issues, actors and practices. ” European journal of international relations 10: 499-531. hks. harvard.
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