GMOs and super foods

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Health Care

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A few Americans consider taking a balanced diet because they argue that they do not have adequate time to prepare meals or even shop for food portions that contribute to a balanced diet. The effect of the GMOs and superfoods on people's health has increased the government burden of handling diet-related health problems. Many people tend to overlook the impact of the foods they consume because they want to make life easier. Most of the Americans who work in busy organizations, for instance, have most of their time spent in the workplaces. This means that they rarely have enough time to prepare balanced meals for their families. The government has continued incurring the increased cost of providing health care services and facilities to the citizens.

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Also, a large number of Americans have family members or close friends suffering from illnesses associated with the GMOs and other foods. Consumption of the right quality foods is one of the strategies that help people in overcoming some of the illnesses. The introduction of superfoods in the market has also contributed to changes in people's feeding habits. Scientists have argued that people only have a small variety of plants to feed on. Based on the percentage of GMOs in American farms, it is clear that there is also a high percentage of GMOs in the market. Based on these findings, there is a high probability that most of the Americans have continued with the consumption of unsafe foods. The results of using GMOs and superfoods should give the Americans an opportunity to understand that they should make their feeding decisions wisely (Jenkins, 2018).

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The negative impacts of these different types of foods should act as a reason why eliminating them from the market should take place. The foods expose the citizens to health issues and there is a high probability that their production will increase in the future. The challenge remains on the fact that GMOs after production go through processing and are incorporated in different food products that people consume on a daily basis. The fast-food industry, for example, would prefer the use of GMOs because it is the only way through which productivity will increase thus profits. Most of the Americans do not concentrate on their diet because they want to save time for their jobs. Children grow in families where their parents want to simplify life since they already have a tough life in their workplaces.

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It is for this reason that only a few will consider the impacts of GMOs and superfoods while doing their grocery shopping. Superfoods may seem to extend the plant species that people rely on for food but they may also contribute to health risks. Though better than GMOs, superfoods also incorporate some science and technology to have the right and resistant plants. Consumption of more superfoods may have resulted in changes in the human body. Americans should take care of their diet and identify the right portions for superfoods if they have to consume them based on their nutritional value. References Smith, J. Jenkins, M. K.  Food fight: GMOs and the future of the American diet. Krimsky, S. , & Gruber, J. J.

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