Hamlets Revenge

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

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The villain who later wore his crown was described by the ghost as Claudius. It was the ghost who gave him an idea of revenge because Claudius has corrupted Denmark. He ought to have revenged earlier enough after Claudius has killed his father but it was ironical that he stayed for long. Hamlet procrastinated revenge throughout the play and till the end of the play, and finally it was done through him hence he did not manage to kill Claudius in the long run. The family bonds, delay of the prince to take any action on Claudius because he became his stepfather after marrying Gertrude, the fact that Claudius was a king and therefore had close people and the melancholic and contemplation character traits led to the delay of Hamlet to take revenge even after knowing that Claudius committed the heinous act.

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After conversing with the ghost, Hamlet became mentally and physically destroyed (Prosser et al. He became hungrier making his thoughts to be very disorganized and shocked. Had Hamlet been very sure from the beginning, perhaps he could have revenged earlier. Idealistically, Hamlet was a scholar in many things and therefore could reason before acting in any way. He was a speaker, scholar, actor, and prince. This was an indication that Hamlet took a long time before he accepted the guidelines of the ghost and trusted in his morals. He, however, decided to take the ghost's words but did not act. “I’ll take the Ghost words for a thousand pounds. ” Hamlet delated to carry out any revenge and the age correlated with the age in which the play was developed in line with the idea that he was moral and brilliant leading to the procrastination of revenge.

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Similarly, the family bond contributed to hamlet’s delay to make revenge. Due to weakness, Hamlet was afraid of death and even causing someone else to die and therefore it took him much time to observe the instructions of his father’s ghost. Due to weakness he feigned madness which never appeared to succeed his ways in a memorable manner. The fact that Hamlet's mother was remarried by Claudius who was the cause of his father’s death, gave him more pain and weakness as well as the pressure to always try to come up with strong revenge. A proper strength and plan to be able to make the best revenge created the delay as Hamlet grew organization how to complete his mission which was a must to be done. This organization and everyday planning tormented him to insanity attributed to the tragic causes of the family splitting tragedy (Innes et al.

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In other dimensions, Hamlet wanted to delay Claudius death in order to cause more pain than those of the old Hamlet’s. His philosophical nature in questioning the ghost created the delay as well. “Haste me to know that I with wings as swift. May sweep to my revenge” (Act1 scene 5). The prince hesitation to objective as well as the surrounding that Hamlet was placed with external circumstances that he was unable to control as opposed to the subjective causes that were internal lead to procrastination of revenge. Hamlet later on planned deliberate actions against his uncle; however, the ghost wanted a swift revenge. He remained continually resolving to do the revenge however, did nothing but revenge. He made several conversations with Gertrude and Claudius when he was grief taken and bitter because of the death of his father and an oer-hasty marriage of his mother and the uncle.

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Claudius saw it as the best option to marry Hamlet’s mother which acted as the best replacement for his brother. The consequence of the delay was therefore a hard pill to swallow for Hamlet because he and his brothers struggled to rule the territory and further stayed like parentless children yet their mother was just around (Bell et al.  The Hudson Review 51. Innes, Michael.  Hamlet, Revenge!. House of Stratus, 2017. Menninger, C.

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