Health belief model research

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Health Care

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All of them were social psychologists who were exercising their career in the U. S in the sector of public health services. The source of the model originated from the point when tuberculosis health programs for screening failed and from this application, it has been on used to explore short and long term applications, which include HIV transmission. The expectations of the theory are relate to people take matters related to their health. For example, common examples include the feeling which people have concerning the use of a condom in protecting HIV and thus can be the necessary solution to the problem at the moment. Perceived susceptibility will give people high motivation to be vaccinated against common infections like influenza and use protecting mechanism like sunscreen for protecting skin cancer. It is assumed that when people are at risk of a certain disease will do something to prevent from attacking them.

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On the other side when people think that they don’t have the risk, they get dominated by unhealthy behaviors. For example, the large number of older people don’t view themselves to be at risk of getting infected with and thus do unsafe sex practices (Maes & Louis, 509-516). In Asian American college, students used to view the HIV to be for the non-Hispanic and had a very slow perception on the issue and didn’t follow safe steps in sex matters. Similar concepts are applied in screening breast cancer. Perceived barriers Change isn’t an easy thing and this component looks into some of the challenges in trying to adopt new ways which can change their health problems. Considering the other constraints of the theory, this is the most important and helps in determining the behavior adopted.

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For one to adopt new behavior you need to accept the benefits which associated with that particular character. For example, in trying to increase the examination of and screening of breast cancer, one to understand the benefits of examination are quite high than the ones of not going for tests. Finally, emotions are not considered to be part of the health-related behavior and in real they determine how we behave. Research has shown fear may prevent one from practicing health practices. According to this theory, behavior determines the key, way to predict health outcomes but we have other goals like outcome expectancy and self-efficacy which can make one believe in certain ways in behavior. The components of the theory as explained above have been highlighted but the relationship between all of them has not been shown clearly (Glanz, & Lewis, 2002).

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One of the main components which have been discovered of recent and help the theory in the analysis is cues to action but the disadvantage is that it has a limited prediction of health behaviors. On perseverance severity, we need to keep explaining the consequences which are related to diseases and infections and the need for treatment. Perceived barriers are the essence which needs to look into what is making many people not to get tested in the temporal environments. When the barriers are removed from the environment of students getting tested in the university then the chances of early and good benefits are very high. Perceived barriers will help the university to know how to reduce those barriers and get high uptake of screening services for different services. Cues which help to remind people are of the need for acting according to the right health activities.

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Cited work Glanz, K. Rimer, B. K. Lewis, F. M. Instrument development for health belief model constructs, Advances in Nursing Science, 6, 73-85 Jin-Yi Jeong and Sunny Ham, Application of the Health Belief Model to customers' use of menu labels in restaurants, Appetite, 123, (208), (2018). Janz, Nancy K. and Marshall H. Becker. The health belief model: A decade later.

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