Health care research through funded programs

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

What do they do to control the quality of health care? 4. What do they do for cost containment? 5. How are they aligned with health care professionals? 6. Is this a valuable program or a waste of taxpayer money? If the program has faults, how could it be improved or should it be abandoned? Be prepared to defend your position. Healthcare research is highly valuable in the society to prevent and treat the diseases and conditions in an optimal way through gathering pertinent information. One of the projects under AHRQ that was initiated in 2008 called the Clinical Decision Support (CDS) project (Tcheng, et al. The CDS was a valuable research project initiated by AHRQ, through strategic planning, structured to improve the quality of healthcare and to contain cost.

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Clinical Decision Support project was to improve quality of healthcare through presenting electronic health records to access patient previous health information by the healthcare professionals at the point of care. CDS assist in decision making for the healthcare professional related to the diagnostic and therapeutic process of care and to support the delivery of high-quality healthcare by providing intelligently simplified patient-specific knowledge at the initial encounter (Tcheng, et al. The initial project budget was $2. Again, the plan required to establish lessons learned for CDS implementation relevant to the health IT vendor community (Handel, et al. The other responsibility was to assess possible benefits and drawbacks of CDS, including effects on patient satisfaction and measures of efficiency, cost, and risk involved. Finally, the participants were to evaluate methods of creating, storing, and replicating CDS elements across multiple clinical sites and ambulatory practices….

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((Arora & Finley, 2011) The CDS project had a strategic plan on how to achieve its goals. The idea was to work with specific guidelines to accomplish goals systematically. (Arora & Finley, 2011). The gathered knowledge and experiences gained in the process was to be shared with various persons and institutions whose mode of delivery would be reformed positively by implementing the new findings. Recipient of the information included members of the public… (in the medicine field) who could access the data displayed online on quality improvement. To achieve massive coverage of dissemination, the project utilized different modalities including publications, presentations, and best practices documents. ((Arora & Finley, 2011). Although the organizers knew, the project will continue for more than two years the initial funding was to carter for the first year.

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Such efforts allow evaluation of any misuse within the completed section and will be corrected before the next chapter. Also, the AHRQ ensures that among all the stakeholders, there are specific persons in charge of finance. Such efforts demand accountability from the chosen few and not the entire group. Thus, the finance committee of the project ensures proper use of funds throughout the project. However, non-specific data collection by the healthcare providers was useful sometimes when the methods employed proven to be effective. Therefore, the researchers might be able to use the data in the future. The other way they were involved is by being an active respondent of the research question. They were given opportunities to explain what they feel about comprehensive decision making while taking care of clients.

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