Health Education and Promotion Programme of Infection Control in School

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

This paper develops a bacterial infection control programme through health education and promotion in the settings of a school. The objective of the programme is to conduct training on parents, teachers, and students once in three months for one year on the best practices to reduce the spread of bacteria in school. The spread of bacteria in school is very rampant and causes the common respiratory diseases (such as coughing, runny nose, and sore throat) which are widely spread thus forms the basis for performing the training (Sallis & Fisher,2015). An evaluation of the effectiveness of the programme in preparing the stakeholders in applying the practices taught on the school infection control will henceforth be conducted. The programme mainly focuses on; prevention of the spread of infectious diseases amongst students, the students care for oneself and others, to make a healthy decision and take control of the situations and influence the health-related behaviors of skills, attitudes, support and values towards health issues (Langford et.

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The programme will be mainly run by volunteers who will undergo a two weeks training prior to the onset of the health program in school. The tool that will be used for a greater corporation from the trainees is banners while running the program to promote the training around the school. Additionally, there will be volunteer promoters who will inform the participants on the education and how it will be performed. The volunteers will solely involve students who will ensure that everyone has information on the existence of the education programme. The promotion will take advantage of the school administration in promoting the participation of the various stakeholders since they play a key role in running the operations of the school.

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e. washing hands; after visiting the toilet, before handling food and drinks, after coughing or sneezing and use of hand sanitizers. The training will show the students on how to wash their hands appropriately to ensure that the cleaning is more effective. In the second training, the participants will be taught on contact hygiene in the first hour and on the respiratory hygiene in the second hour. The contact hygiene will involve education on avoidance of sharing utensils such as glasses, forks, water bottles and drinks, and personal items e. If any student is sick their parents or the appropriate staff should be informed where the necessary control measures taken which may include the separation of the student from others. If it is one of the school staff infected they should be prevented from attending school.

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All the measures taken should be aimed at reducing the transmission of the bacteria around the school. The fourth and last programme which involves the community health workers will involve a form of both training and involvement of the participants in critically holding a discussion on the issues under review. The inclusion of the community officers is to ensure that the students relate to them since they know them and they understand the particular health problems in the specified school. The participants should increase their contact hygiene e. g. avoidance of sharing of personal items and disinfection of the commonly used surfaces such as school bus, eating surfaces and door handles. The respiratory hygiene amongst the parents, teachers, and students should improve through measures such as covering mouths when sneezing and the availability of tissue paper in the classrooms.

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