Health information systems his

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Computer Science

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The assumption that technology robs people and the work of human qualities is erroneous. Computers help people avoid the drudgery of repetitive tasks giving us the opportunity to put personal skills to better use (Toromanovic, Hasanovic, & Masic, 2010). When a nurse uses the computer keyboard to record assessment data, it does not affect their interpersonal communication with the patient since it is just like writing the information down on a paper. In clinical practice, nurses are needed in the development stages of the HIS system, to better understand, utilize, implement and preserve the nurse’s professional influence on health care and the implementation process. HIS are created in a way that increases usability. Patient Care and Documentation HIS allows patients and healthcare providers’ access to important health information. Healthcare providers are likely to make better healthcare decisions, as the systems will give them the detailed and necessary information.

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They are also able to track the progression of a disease, making it possible for them to institute the appropriate interventions. Most importantly, HIS enables nurses to make the right diagnoses, based on a wide body of evidence, from the patient’s record. They can also predict the progression of a condition and anticipate the risks involved. As previously mentioned, HIS equips health employees the ability to determine the right diagnoses by having the patient’s full medical records available and up-to-date. The progression of a condition, as well as, risks involved can also better analysed. The HIS also gives more power to the patient over their healthcare decisions by allowing them to access and better understand their health condition. Overall, the utilization of HIS will; ultimately, culminate in better patient care, as well as, improved quality of care and better patient outcomes.

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B. Measurable Improvement Nurses can use extracted data that runs back to a long time ago to track the progression of diseases. This kind of information is only available through HIS. The information is vital in enabling nurses to make important healthcare decision taking into account relevant information collected over a long period. It also ensures that nurses can store patient data more safely, protecting it from security breaches and natural calamities. By allowing collaboration between nurses and other healthcare providers from different hospitals, communication is enhanced, which could result in better patient care and outcomes. Protection of Patient Privacy As for patient protection and privacy, HIPAA ensures both the security of records and privacy of the patient. It covers administrative, physical, and technical aspects of health information about data breaches.

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To re-iterate, HIPAA compliance ensures that healthcare providers avoid mistakes that could predispose data to cyber attacks, data loss and provides policies and procedures to prevent security breaches. To ensure that data is protected from all hazards, HIPAA has set parameters for unauthorized intrusions. For patient privacy, HIPAA ensures there is a criterion to in place when transferring health information to third party establishments. Nursing transparency is a recommended practice. Transparency involves giving records a higher level of clarity, as well as, liberal sharing of information, albeit to authorized persons (Lavin, Harper, & Barr, 2015). Lastly, it also creates a consistent communication method for health care information that spans across the organization and amongst the various multi-disciplinary teams associated. This allows for easier and faster communication, reducing time wastage. It also reduces the paperwork involved during communication between organizational departments.

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Additionally, there is a need for the commitment to make time and create space so that important stakeholder involved in HIS implementation can share information allowing for the adaptation. The implementation team could involve various stakeholders who are likely to contribute to the success of HIS implementation. The implementation team will include hospital leadership such as: A process change implementation team is required. This team will focus on the identification of organizational needs and determine the appropriate framework to implement the change. The team will set up meetings, suggestion boxes, surveys in order to gather information that may expedite or delay the implementation of the HIS. Consideration of the user interface, as well as, ease of use in delivery, reporting or accessing of patient care will need to be established. A feedback on system usage survey or follow-up will also be needed, in order to appropriately make changes that are user friendly.

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D. Evaluation First, a crucial element in the success of the system would be to ensure that the system is highly effective and efficient. It would include enhancing the system processes so that they require minimal external support (Measure Evaluation, 2019). Conclusion Overall, the Health Information System (HIS) has the potential to, significantly, advance patient care and increase favorable patient outcomes. HIS allows for an efficient healthcare delivery system; however, in order to implement the HIS, there is a need to make several organizational changes and considerations. That being said, the overall benefits that HIS can offer, far outweigh the disadvantages in the mere fact that patient care and outcomes will be improved substantially. References Lavin, M.  A. measureevaluation. org/our-work/health-information-systems Takh, H.  K. Rahman, A.  A. doi:10. msm.

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