Health Psychology case study

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:Psychology

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This is because most of the common disorders are caused by a genetic vulnerability that means one can inherit it from their parents. Social concepts include a specific set of traumatic events that may affect mental health based on diverse social histories and environment (Hamilton-West 43). Psychological factors form another approach to health psychology; it deals with depression, hostility, hopelessness and stress elements that may trigger physical health problems and cardiac disease. The mind and body concept revolves around the connection between thoughts and awareness in the human mind and a review of the brain as a section of the human body. Biological factors in Juanita’s case includes the rupture in her ear dream which may be a possible cause for a head injury. The possibility of losing her job is a social issue that creates fear.

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This is so because Juanita will struggle to make ends meet coupled up with the stigma of a recovering alcoholic (Adams and Grieder 6). The fear of losing a job can lead to panic attacks and headaches due to increased thoughts on the consequences of such an action and possible alternatives if the worst happens. The long history of health issues presents biological factors which may be triggering further health damages. This is because past medical accounts can be reactivated by continuous abuse and accidents that continue to weaken the immune system of an individual. Mind-body connection Feelings, attitudes, thoughts and beliefs can affect the biological functions of the body in both a positive and negative manner. As a result, the operations of the mind have a direct influence on the health of an individual.

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The fact that Juanita’s son was leaving means that she was feeling lonely and isolated. These factors trigger stress and depression such that she loses focus on most activities leading to the numerous accidents that cause physical harm. Additionally, the possibility of losing her job creates fear and anxiety which are critical factors for an individual’s mental health (Harne and Radford 43). The client also requires marriage guidance and counselling that will help find amicable conflict resolution between her and the partner. Advice and counselling will also be necessary for providing the client with a chance to open up and express her feelings and emotions. She will also require physiotherapy sessions and support for her physical health needs. The physical assessment will be given priority due to the adverse effects on her health and functionality (Harne and Radford 64).

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The client will require respect and acceptance which will necessitate the love of those close to her such as her children and husband. Therefore, offering Juanita a chance to express her feelings will be a step towards living a normal life. This will also reduce the possibility of suicide in the case that the mental health situation deteriorates. Treatment The treatment will be initiated through a cooperative process between the health practitioner and the client. Diagnosis will include determining the significant causes that force her to abuse alcohol. Diagnosis will also be useful in determining why the husband is continuously abusing her and the resulting reaction from the client (Weinman, et al. Finally, cognitive behavioral therapy will be a constant process after the recovery so that Juanita can avoid and recognize behaviors that lead to stress and alcohol abuse Works Cited Adams, Neal, and Diane Grieder.

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 Treatment Planning for Person-Centered Care: The Road to Mental Health and Addiction Recovery : Mapping the Journey for Individuals, Families and Providers. Elsevier Academic P, 2005. Clow, Angela, and Sarah Edmunds.  Physical Activity and Mental Health. Weinman, John, et al.  Health Psychology. SAGE, 2006.

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