Heart disease Research

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

The common cardiovascular disease involves conditions that include both blocked and narrowed blood vessel that generally leads to a heart attack, stroke or even chest pain. The conditions that are involved in heart disease include: • Coronary heart disease • Heart attack • Heart failure • Stroke • arrhythmias (abnormal heart beats) • Aneurysm (a bulge due to weakening of the artery or the heart muscle) • Septal defect (an abnormal opening between the left and the right sides of the heart) • Peripheral vascular disease ( affects the large blood vessel of the arms, feet and legs) • Rheumatic heart disease (due to rheumatic fever, mainly affects the heart valves) • Congenital heart disease (malformation in the heart that occur before birth) Therefore, every person (regardless of the age) should keep their heart healthy in order to enhance prevention and management of heart disease.

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One can minimize the risk of getting heart disease through improving lifestyle, that is, diet and level of fitness. Even if there are two or more risk factors, changes can still be made in order to reduce the chances of getting heart diseases. However, there are things known to increase the chances of developing heart disease (Wilson et al, Pg. In normal circumstances, if a family member is diagnosed with a heart disease, the family bears the burden of treatment. In most cases, it is usually not easy for the family to meet the medical bill for their patient (Nogueiraet al, Pg 7). This leads to total struggle to get money urgently, leading to borrowing and heavy loans which may not be easy to be paid back. Direct costs such as medical costs and transport costs are spent to seek medical treatment (Kaplan, Pg.

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These costs include inpatient care, outpatient care and prescription costs which are generally expensive. The economy of the society goes down and a problem of productivity occurs (Middleton, Pg. This means that the society will not be able to produce like it used to since there will be lack of enough and skilled labor. People Prone To Heart Disease Both men and women, the number of people getting heart disease increases with age (Mozaffarian, Pg 3). An estimate of four out of five people affected by heart disease are sixty five or older. This shows that heart disease becomes more common as one ages, it’s advisable to visit healthcare regularly for checkups to know your risk factor of heart disease. For example, cardiovascular disease symptoms may differ from men to women.

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In this case, men have higher chances to experience chest pain than women. Women have higher chances to experience other symptoms with chest discomfort, such as nausea, shortness of breath and extreme fatigue (Cooper et al, Pg. Heart arrhythmias is another heart disease whose symptoms are common. It is an abnormal heartbeat whereby your heart may beat very quickly, very slow or irregular. g. an electric shock and use of illegal drugs. That is primarily since the heart of a health person if free from any kind of abnormal conditions that may cause arrhythmia, for example an area of scarred tissue. However, the heart that is deformed or diseased, the heart’s electric impulse cannot properly start or travel via the heart, causing arrhythmias more likely to occur. Conclusion Fortunately, there are ways in which the public can do to reduce chances of being affected by heart attack.

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 New England Journal of Medicine 7 nd, no. Cooper, Richard, Jeffrey Cutler, Patrice Desvigne-Nickens, Stephen P. Fortmann, Lawrence Friedman, Richard Havlik, Gary Hogelin et al. Trends and disparities in coronary heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases in the United States: findings of the national conference on cardiovascular disease prevention.  Circulation 7nd, no. Middleton, Elliott, ChithanKandaswami, and Theoharis C. Theoharides. The effects of plant flavonoids on mammalian cells: implications for inflammation, heart disease, and cancer.  Pharmacological reviews 7nd, no. Mozaffarian, Dariush, Renata Micha, and Sarah Wallace. and Dietz, W. H. The disease burden associated with overweight and obesity7nd.  Jama, 282(16), pp. Nogueira, A. Isles, A. Ross Lorimer, Peter W. Macfarlane, James H. McKillop, and Christopher J. Packard.

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