History of film and why we watch it

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:History

Document 1

Various intellects and inventors have designed tools with the aim of representing motion. Examples of such tools include; the magic lantern and camera obscura. With the invention of such machines, three key features that comprise a cinema were realized, that is vision, photography, and projection. Film precursors The earliest precursor of the film is shadowgraphs. It is commonly referred to as Ombromanie.  A history of narrative film. “Shadowgraphy arguably sprung from "par" shows where the tale scene was painted on a wide cloth and the story was spiced with a song” (Cook & David 21). The origin of shadow puppets is traced in 1st millennium BCE in central Asia. Another development in the film sector was the Invention of Camera Obscura. This is a device that utilizes the principle from within an enclosed chamber.

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Origin of film Edward Muybridge, a photographer whose nationality was Britain developed what came to be identified as the first motion picture in the 1870s. He did so by using twenty-four cameras arranged i8n a linear manner at an interval of one foot each. The need for multiple cameras was however eliminated in the year 1882 by Etienne-Jules Marey. Etienne-Jules captured motion using a photographic gun that formally employed a glass platter that spanned like the barrel of a gun. Many more inventors developed other primitive ways to capture moving images. On the other hand, Louis and Lumiere had a contrary opinion. They ended up inventing a Cinematograph, a camera that was portable and had capabilities of projecting the complete films.

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According to Film history, Allen Lumiere method of projection was not only “different but also their subjects captured images were life as opposed to its predecessors” (Robert & Douglas 40). This fact resulted in an increase in demand for the Rumeires film shows internationally. However, Cinematograph was silent and accompanying the film with music became a common theme. Griffith, a stage actor, and a struggling playwright started doing films. He commenced is directing career with the production of The Adventures of Dollie for Biograph company. His early films were more or less similar to those who came before him. However, it was Griffith in particular that produced a serious art out of motion pictures giving it a unique language. Like Porter, Griffith realized that the typical way of placing a camera and having performers moving in and out amidst the shot was unsatisfactory.

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The first synchronized sound was made in 1927 the jazz singer. Even though less than four hundred was featured in the movie, it spearheaded a move to the new audio technology, and in a span of three years, more than 95% of the newly produced films were “talkies”. The film sector began to depreciate during the Great Depression due to o economic difficulties. The film sector responded by producing the first color film, Flowers and Trees together with fresh varieties such as documentaries, musicals, gangster movies, and horror films. The fact that the film industry then was monopolized, guaranteed the survival during the Great Depression. The introduction of videotapes and raise in the number of television channels, the people watch as many movies as possible.

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In the 1990s most film directors were motivated by historical TV shows and comic's heroes to make their shows. Nowadays, new electronic technologies facilitate development based on photochemical. Here, computers are used to obtain and manipulate images. The Internet has also enhanced the film industry greatly. Film sector contributed a primary in this development as the audience started imitating the dress, behavior, and speech of their common heroes. Vitagraph began published The Motion Picture Magazine, the first fan magazine in America. The concept of a movie star in the American imagination was created The success of D. W Griffith’s film The Birth of the Nation was contributed by his storytelling ability and the social and cultural tensions of an epoch that he captured in the cinema (Boggs &Carl et al 98).

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