History of football in france

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Sports

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This reality became the base for him to become the founder of modern Olympics. He came to conclude that the reason of his nation’s defeat was basically lack of physical education. Throughout his life he had studied and laid stress on physical education. He believed that the educational system of France was brilliant but it was missing something and that was the knowledge and importance of physical education among people. He was very much dedicated to his cause. The first modern Olympics were held on April 5, 1896 in Athens. Coubertin has played a major role in the turning events of sports in France. He gave his people knowledge of how physical education is also equally important as is intellectual education. It led France prosper in the athletic field. Today football is a very popular sport in France.

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It gave the nation a new and renowned identity. Today football is a major and highlighted sport in France. The team is very dedicated and successive. They have named many victories after themselves. They have been winners of a world cup and a European championship. Just like football competitions in other countries, coupe de France is a knock out tournament. The winning team qualifies for the group stage of UEFA Europa league. Professional and amateur clubs face each other in this tournament. And after a series of victories and defeats, the winner gets qualified for the further tournament. The final round of the tournament is played at the Stade de France ground The major organization of French football is French football federation. While the First World War introduced the French nation to the basis of football, Second World War did not have a very good association with it.

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Many of the player, being patriotic went to fight in the war and died. This resulted in the deaths of many of those who might have proved to be a very important asset of French football. After world war one people needed something to get them out of that phase. Football proved to be that mass entertainment for them. It is not wrong to say that World War 1 became the base for football to happen in France. Since France lost some good football players during the World War 2, it is also a turn of events in the history of French football. Where the team stands today, is all majorly a conclusive combination of world wars that happened. it was after the war that France started learning football and made its connection strong with it and thus made teams, clubs, tournaments.

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Won the world cup and champions trophy. This might be an attempt to destroy or ruin football in France at some level. If such an even happened, it is necessary for the French government to look deeply into the matter whether how and why such an incident occurred. Measures should be taken to make sure none other incident like this happens again. On a political point of view, the immigrant background is a very big problem for the players and team. People having immigrant background are considered less patriotic than those belonging majorly from France. A few cities such as London, Madrid, Barcelona, and Rome etc. are the examples of such cities having good teams for their representation. Paris however is considered a special case all over. This behind this is that Paris was not very much advanced and successive in the fields of football as it is today.

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Its team had made uncountable struggles, it has gone though many hardships, lots of criticism in order to get where it is today. Instead they made themselves even stronger than before, they turned themselves into much better player than they used to be. This is what surprised and impressed the world. How they emerged as one of the major names in the fields of football all over. Not only nationally but internationally. This is why it is known as a special case. It was only fair to celebrate the team’s achievement as a mix of those values, beliefs and ethics. Some people considered this blend of acceptance of a mix in French team, a reason for its prosperous and progressive victories over the time. Some people in France criticizes this fact that many players in the team does not have national identity whereas many appreciate this mix by simply admitting that probably this mix is what leads to the victories of French football, maybe this is what led the team to a bigger portal of success than what it used to have.

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While the critics believe that the players not having the national identity are not loyal to the cause. They are not patriotic, so they would not make such an effort to make the country win as the one with national identity would make. This act of winning was a major proof that such unity and immigrated collaboration can bring a lot of victories and prosperities in France. The chanting of black, blanc, beur hold great importance in the football history of France as they are the symbol of the base that became the reason for the victory of French team in the world cup. It became the reason for the French to win the world cup and name that accomplishment after themselves. These chants are a symbol that bringing player from different backgrounds, different ethics or different race can give results that can surprise the world.

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a fact which the French were not really ready to accept so easily before the world cup. He provided much more efforts to the team including winning European cups for the team. He has been a very renowned name in the French football history. He died on March 3, 2017. B: Michel Platini is a former French tea football player. He is among the best players of football due to his successive and brilliant football skills. At the age of 42, entering the 1994 FIFA world cup he became the oldest player ever to enter the world cup. He was also named as the best African player of past 50 years. In his career life he has achieved many victorious moments, most of which happened after the age of 38 which usually do not happen. D: The English former professional player and manager, Christopher Ronald waddle was born on December 14th, 1960.

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His professional career as a footballer begun in 1978 till 1998. Global players? Football, migration and globalization, c. Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung (2006): 7-30 Dauncey, Hugh, and Geoff Hare. World Cup France'98: metaphors, meanings and values. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 35. Dauncey, Hugh, and Geoff Hare, eds.

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