One And Done Rule in Basketball

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Sports

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The rule has seen many bribery and corruption cases come to play affecting the integrity of some basketball players joining NBA. The many scandals revolving around one-done-rule depict the material nature of human beings and lack of ethics. According to Thomas Hobbes moral philosophy, human behavior gains traction through the aspects of desires and aversions. Therefore, people will harbor a favorable view of things that satisfy their desires. This is because people attach value to all objects they tend to interact with during their lifetime. Human beings work to serve their desires against the backdrop of social expectations, and as such, there is need to put in place a system that defines what is moral. The law of the land defines the actions of those implicated in one-and-done rule scandals as immoral.

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The FBI investigations will culminate into prosecutions in an effort to regulate such acts and bring the behavior of the affected into conformity with the set rules and regulations. In essence, such actions are deemed unethical, and they require substantial action that will subject the culprits to punishment. The Kantian Deontological theory postulates that a person is bound by duty to do what is expected of them regardless of the outcome (Staveren 30). Different parties tasked with the role to observe and protect the one-and-done rule never follow the rule of the game but rather act to serve their personal interests (Bauman-vitolina, Sumilo and Cals 111). The number of games coaches win or lose define their careers, universities on the hand value the intercollegiate sporting activities as opposed to the academic performance of the athletes who take part in these games.

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The implication is that institutions and their respective officials no longer care about the means they use to achieve their desired end, and as such, they do anything possible to acquire best players against the one-and-done rule anticipation. The NCAA has done little to prohibit player peddling in the black market. This affects the organization's credibility since it fails to act in a manner that advances social good. The FBI investigations targeting corruption and bribery allegations that implicate families of college basketball recruits who pocketed over $ 100,000 is a clear indication of a system that cares less about good behavioral traits. The credibility of officials from apparel giant Adidas was at stake as the organization was used to pay the families of basketball recruits for them to join colleges that were in contractual deals with Adidas (Alexander).

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The money was meant to influence coaches to connect the players to agents related to Adidas. The implication is that the one-and-done rule has done little rather than offer a platform for some individuals and companies to advance their economic gains. The need to promote self-gain only comes in where individuals fail to observe the set rules but rather work around the same to perpetuate illegal activities. It is high time the NCAA and NBA pulled up their socks and apply the principle of paternalism and assist players in achieving the initial intentions of one-and-done rule. The many corruption cases revolving one-and-done rule is indicative of lack of ethics in different entities given the mandate to safeguard the same. Individuals desires dominate the scene and forget the society is more significant than personal interests.

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All ethical theories support the need for individuals to possess the right qualities if at all social benefits are to prevail. It is imperative to have stiffer penalties to take care of unethical behaviors over and above stripping the one-and-done rule. One and done': How an NBA rule change helped create a mess for college basketball>. Baumane-vitolina, Ilona, Erika Sumilo and Igo Cals. Is Ethics Rational? Teleological, Deontological and Virtue Ethics Theories Reconciled in the Context of Traditional Economic Decision Making. Procedia Economics and Finance 19 (2016): 108-114. Chonko, Larry.

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