History of Pro Life Movement

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Sociology

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It is opposed to any law supporting abortion and supports restrictions that may be put into place to hinder the action. It bases its agenda based on ethical and religious grounds. It argues that life starts from the point of conception, therefore, holding that the unborn is equally important as any other member of the society. Thus, one denies the conceived the right to life, which is immoral and against religion (Williams 4). The movement sensitizes the society on the importance of upholding life. Thus, a woman had a right to terminate her pregnancy if her life was at risk or her condition was hazardous to her health. The court advised the forbidding of rules that prevented abortion during the first trimester of marriage. It became a rule that abortion regulation would be enacted during the third trimester of the fetus but an overhaul decision would be made to protect the life of the mother.

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The case brought to light a phenomenon that brought mixed reactions in the whole nation (Gross). The case was a major setback to the pro-life movement. This case seemed to have watered down the long struggle the anti-abortion movement had gone through when they tried to eradicate legalization of abortion. It was at this point that the movement’s message had reached its helm (Cassidy, 359). The case proceeded the 1969 meeting that was to be held to plan on the way forward to strike down all laws that supported abortion. At this point in time, a great number of people. It was determined to see that the religious doctrine and the statute that protects the right to life was upheld to its helm (Ziegler, p. It was also to be allowed if the pregnancy was to bring about health issues in the mother’s life.

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Immediately the Supreme Court decision was made, in 1973 there were so many abortion cases legally carried out. This showed that the activity had been engrained in the society but was not into the light until this moment in time. This evidence brought about a heated debated. It is at this point that the Catholics rallied, championed and aired the message that the right to life for any particular individual was more important than any individual choices (Cassidy 357). There are constant demonstrations held in some cities in the US. These events take place on the 22nd January the anniversary of Roe vs Wade’s Supreme Court decision in which abortion was legalized in the nation. The movement holds other demonstrations by walking on streets holding signs that portray the effects of abortion like it kills children.

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In another occasion, they block entrances into clinics that perform an abortion to deter anyone from accessing the facility (Egan). They offer to counsel outside clinics that offer abortion services. When a woman is eight weeks pregnant, the zygote’s eyes are invisible. Thus, there is the presence of life. When the embryo is 20weeks old, it can feel pain like any other being. It is the same period under which the law discourages abortion (Grossman 49-50). It acts as the cut beyond which abortion cannot be undertaken. It depicts that since the Roe and Wade’s case was determined there was an increase in the rate of abortion and this even triggered George W. Bush in 2001 to ban America from funding organizations carrying out abortion (Francome). In the same year, there were an estimated 3.

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million cases of unwanted or unintended pregnancies. These may have dire consequences on most families in the country and thus led to devising ways to reduce this from happening in future. It teaches that man was given the vast land (Earth) to guard it and fill it. Abortion is thus breaking the purpose of man on earth. When Elizabeth found out that Mary, who became the mother of Jesus, was pregnant she wanted to have the baby leaped. God was against it and told her that she was the most blessed among women. If she did not heed God’s voice where would have salvation come from? The Bible teaches that our bodies are the temple of God. Thus, termed as an organization out there for selfish gain (Egan). They have been beaten at their own game.

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Some claim that there is a need to control the population. That there is no need to bring into the world a wrong choice that one may not be able to live with. Some people claim that the laws in the US should be made to govern everyone. In the past demonstration, there has been witnessed a number of deaths. These cases have resulted from the bombing of clinics that have been known to offer abortion. The movement has been accused of having a part in the deaths of Dr. David Gunn, Dr. John Britton and Dr. In the recent life, the pro-life seems to have been in the fore-front condemning gays. In different occasions, most people have questioned their agenda in that being an anti-gay and anti-abortion do not come hand in hand.

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There have been attacks on the pope who have been against these marriages. Most people on Twitter have regarded the movement as at that stage experience the last kicks of a dying horse. Conclusion Everyone has a right to life. pdf Cleland, Kelly, et al. Family planning as a cost-saving preventive health service. New England Journal of Medicine 364. e37. Egan, Kelly. html Lopez, Raquel. Perspectives on Abortion: Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, and What Lies in between. European Journal of Social Sciences 27. semanticscholar. org/bbdc/b17b6616460d58ecb0efab1e31da8507329a. Change in abortion services after implementation of a restrictive law in Texas. Contraception 90. New, Michael, J. An Insider's View of the Pro-Life Movement. Public Discourse, 24 Feb. CNN Political Ticker– All Politics, All the Time - CNN. com Blogs, 21 Mar. politicalticker. blogs.

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cnn. ke/books/about/Defenders_of_the_Unborn. html?id=YwDECgAAQBAJ&redir_esc=y Ziegler, Mary. Women's Rights on the Right: The History and Stakes of Modern Pro-Life Feminism. Berkeley J. Gender L.

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