Households Perception Towards Recycling of Solid Waste in Jordan study

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

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Recycling is said to be one of the efficient ways to address urban waste management (Abila, 2018). While the concept of recycling is of critical importance in the context of Jordan urban centers, it continues to be told in the context of being a challenge both on the socioeconomic and environmental domains. The benefits of recycling, for instance, in terms of social, economic, and environmental are numerous. Household recycling present a solution to the ever increasing problem of waste management in the country. The solution remains to be a pipe dream if the households have a negative perception towards the concept of recycling. Currently, there are close to 100 local municipalities in Jordan. However, only 18 official disposal sites are in use, for instance, four landfills are in operation in the northern region, five and nine in central and southern regions of Jordan state (Jordan Green Building Council, 2016).

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This makes the waste management a complex area, a phenomenon that is attributed to various types of compositions of waste. The Aims and Objective of the Study Aims: The study aims at assessing the perception of Jordan’s households towards recycling of waste management. Objectives a. However, the current study embarks on understanding the perception of recycling among Jordanian households, of which the result will be if critical importance to influence country wide recycling. The originality of the research is exhibited in its motivation to explore the attitudes of Jordanians households on the issues of recycling and waste management. More importantly, the significance of the study is premised on the understanding the level recycling awareness among the Jordan households upon which more measures can be put in place to increase recycling activities in Jordan.

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Literature Review Singh, Gupta & Chaudhary (2014), established that poor recycling habits are due to lack of facilities and lack of knowledge. On their part, Tiep, Kin, Ahmed and Teck (2015) observed that recycling program is only pursued in the urban centres, leaving the rural setups. Using the arguments of external motivation, people are generally motivated to recycle if there are monetary incentives such as rebates, discounts, and prizes. Nameghi and Shadi (2013) observe that the presence of various opportunity structures, for instance, the convenience is critical in securing a high rate of recycling practices. Nameghi and Shadi (2013) demonstrate that the availability of and convenience avenues promotes external motivation to recycle. As such, people to recycle because it has been made convenient or even profitable for them. To this end, therefore, opportunity structures correlate with external motivation, for instance, recycling behavior, all of which relate to internal motivation such as attitude.

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However, the research noted that the two groups exhibited their differences in terms of time and storage spaces allocated to recycling activities. According to this research, the number of households tends to recycle if the if there is convenient opportunities to recycle and at the same time when there are adequate training and education on how to carry out the process of preparing the materials to recycle. Materials and Methodology The current study embarked on a survey in which a questionnaire was used to acquire information about recycling attitudes from respondents. The participants were sampled from the university. The participants were carefully sampled by ensuring that they come from different urban households in Jordan. This is depicted in the table below. The figure showing recycling Habits Among Jordanians The questionnaire further sought from the respondents why the recycled.

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Various reasons were provided as shown below. The questionnaire also sought to know the reasons why the non-recyclers do not recycle their household wastes. The results are illustrated the figure below. The rest of the respondents pointed out that they only recycle once in a month if not disposing their waste. The participants were also engaged in terms of existing measures to facilitate recycling. Some of the measures available in Jordan such as bins in the street, municipal staffs, municipal lorries on the streets, and reward systems for various wastes. The respondent pointed out that they are aware of the free bins in the streets and only 3 percent were rewarded for recycling of various wastes. Respondents also deliberated on how to improve recycling in their households. Finally, due to budget limitation, the study was only carried out in a university set up to represent different households that the students come from.

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The study could be more insightful if it was carried out in a specified town in Jordan to represent the true picture of recycling in the country. Conclusion The survey on the household’s perception towards recycling of solid waste in Jordan present valuable insights as far recycling practices are concerned. The study concludes that recycling is a well-known aspect at the household level, but it was not being practiced to neutralized the ever increasing trend of waste in the urban centers. It is, therefore, critical for relevant authorities to educate households on the benefits associated with recycling. To recycle or not to recycle? A study of household attitude toward recycling of solid wastes in malaysia: a case study of perlis state.  Environmental Engineering And Management Journal, 5(4), 743-756. doi: 10. eemj. Abila, B.

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