How individuals habitus and gender play a role in their relationship initiation and dissolution

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Sociology

Document 1

It is indeed clear that colleges and universities students hook up, dates and to some extent form a relationship while in college and their strong desire for relationship opportunities, this was demonstrated by the interview of the 25 year old Pakistan heterosexual ,,, “but , there were a couple of guys in high school and college, that they caught my attention”. Students have equal rates of hooking up and dating, I think that intimate partnering by sexual orientation, race, religious attendance reveals distinct pattern that can be explained by habitus norms, people culture and religion have direct effects on how an individual initiates a relationship and at what point love grows to intimate relationship. S: “Do you think love is something that someone decides to feel or do you think it’s something that comes naturally? What do you think?” G: [Interrupts] “I think it’s a mixture of both.

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I think it should always come naturally, but at the same time also just kinda be pushed a little by the people who are there in that circle. ”………… I think initiation of relationship often requires bold and direct action while at the same time, direct action. “Student: And what about the differences between love and friendship?” Dan: “I think in the sense of, for example, a best friend or friend you’ve known for years, you can love that person but there is no intimacy involved”…… I think from the interview , intimate relationships relies heavily on the level of friendship the two people had. Men are always seen to be more likely to initiate relationships and mostly using direct approaches that is texts, social media platforms, and face to face conversations, whereas, women tend to demonstrate it receptiveness though most couples date at the beginning of the relationship and can be attributed to the initiation of the relationship by the man this is evident in being (Garfinke, 1967).

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Social media platforms lead in relationship initiation and growth; this is because romantic communication messages are exchanged. Interview between a 20year old Mexican male homosexual student, ……. “S: Okay. ” I think this is a clear indication that initiation of a relationship and then growth is determined by a certain cause of action that gives both sides a certain level of attraction that brings stronger love and intimacy. Men according to the interview analysis are the first instigators of these direct but nonverbal signifiers, some even expressed their interest in a romantic relationship. Dates, playing games, hanging out, after which their relationship rapidly developed. Women in contrast were most likely to rely on indirect strategies to transition friendship into romance or most probably to clarify whether the couple was involved.

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The men in the relationship tend to have more power to determine whether hanging out evolves into a romantic relationship, consistent with what is being depicted in the interview of the 27year old Caucasian male student , ……. It is also so disturbing to learn that breakup distress in college students, women compared to men are more likely to suffer from stress and depression following breakup. Relationship dissolution Contrary to the stereotypes of women as more sentimental, they are in fact more cautious than men about entering into a romantic relationships, and very much quicker to exit a union of conflicts, they also tend to be much more aware of the challenges that can be faced in a relationship. Aside from being aware of the troubles that come out, women are willing to give up a troubled relationship despite the strong emotional investment.

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