Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Computer Science

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Its effects are more adverse on children who feel that they do not really need to be in that position. It affects their health in to9tality ad takes over them sickle cell puts them in a condition where they have to be on medication all through and this is not in any way easy. Having to live a life where one has to be careful is very difficult and these kids find it very hard to cope with their conditions. This is why most of them never get opportunities to go to boarding school because they have to be around their parents to be well taken care of. Apart from just the health aspect that is expected, sickle cell greatly affects the development of the children who suffer from it (Gibbons, Geoghegan, Conroy, Lippacott, O'Brien, Lynam, Langabeer, Cotter, Smith and McMahon, 2015).

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Most cases of sickle cell are experienced in Africa, Mediterranean and Asia. This is because of the fact that it is an inherited blood disorder. The disease causes the production of abnormal hemoglobin straight from the birth of a child. Normally, the hemoglobin protein, which resides inside red blood cells, attaches to oxygen in the lungs and carries it to all parts of the body. Healthy red blood cells are flexible so that they can move through the smallest blood vessels. The second group of 5 are children who do not have the disease. An observation of their behavior shows that the group with sickle cell disease exhibit emotional weak behavior while the healthy ones appears to be well developed emotionally. There are a lot of factors that makes this observation what it is as further discussed in the paper.

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Methods This research is based on secondary sources which include already published work. The importance of using this method is that a vast amount of knowledge is obtained because, through the various journals and books, the authors write facts they have tested and proven to be what they are. Their livers are always messed up with cases of bad feelings that may sometimes lead to depression. This is a very bad condition for children because they are not strong enough to withstand such situations given that their conditions are also added. They cannot adjust to various situations. This is major because they feel that their conditions are not wanted by people. However, this is not true but findings have it that these children tend to exclude themselves because of how they feel (DeBaun, Gordon, McKinstry, Noetzel, White, Sarnaik, Meier, Howard, Majumdar, Inusa and Telfer, 2014).

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It has also been proven that some are not well emotionally and their developments are affected because they witness their parents suffer from the aim of helping them manage their conditions effectively. Results also show that some children are of an age of understanding their conditions very well. What this means is that they are aware of the possibility of losing their lives (Davis and Brown, 2016). This affects their emotional development because they are always worried about what is to come and whether or not they will get to live long. They have desires to achieve the various big dreams they have but the thought of something happening to them affects them so much emotionally. Their relationships with others are also affected because of this condition. Since they cannot develop well emotionally, sometimes having attachments to friends and even family members become a problem (Jonassaint, Jones, Leong and Frierson, 2016).

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The difference between these children and other normal children in terms of their interactions is very noticeable. Conditions that affect their emotional wellbeing and attachments have been proven to worsen their illnesses. Lacking that proper emotional wellbeing makes it very hard for them to fight their illness. This is because they are known to be suffering from very low self-esteem that does not allow them to think of themselves as victors. Recommendations and Conclusion Children suffering from sickle cell should be educated so that they are aware of their conditions. Making them aware of their conditions help them in learning how to cope with the situation because the reality is that it can hardly be changed. It is very important that they are taught how to take care of themselves without having their emotional development affected.

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Making them accept their conditions is a very good step in ensuring that this is achieved (Kaufman, 2015). This will mean that parents let their children know that they are just as important as the other children who are not sick (McClish, Smith, Levenson, Aisiku, Roberts, Roseff and Bovbjerg, 2017. The main aim of this is to help them grow their self-esteem. This is very important because it will help the children try so much to be like the other children. Sometimes they will always as for why they are given certain drugs and why they always have to see the doctor, such must be well explained to them because they have a right to know. Sickle cell is just a condition and not really a disease that should get children worried, the best that should be done is to encourage children to soldier on so that they can achieve their dreams just like the other normal kids because currently, all diseases that cannot bee cured can be contained.

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Sickle cell disease: time for a targeted neonatal screening programme.  Irish medical journal. Clayton-Jones, D. and Haglund, K. The role of spirituality and religiosity in persons living with sickle cell disease: a review of the literature. Fernhall, B. and Liem, R. I. Heart rate recovery is impaired after maximal exercise testing in children with sickle cell anemia.  The Journal of pediatrics, 166(2), pp. A. Meier, E. R. Howard, T. H. Andrade Barbosa, T. L. D. Vieira, L. J. and Viana, M. B. Effectiveness of an educational programme about sickle cell disease in the form of active methodologies among community health agents and nursing technicians of primary care in Minas Gerais, Brazil.  Paediatrics and international child health, 37(1), pp. Davis, M. and John, L. I. I. I. An Integrative Review of Sickle Cell and Depression.

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A. Yates, S. J. and Dyson, S. M. D. and De Castro, L. M. Depression, quality of life, and medical resource utilization in sickle cell disease.  Blood advances, 1(23), pp. P. Roberts, J. D. Roseff, S. D.

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