How the Brain Learns

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Subject Area:Religion

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It is feared that many justices remain in service even when they are past their prime, and this has raised concerns about the quality of service in the justice department (Crampton and Carrington 60). Another major issue concerns the mental and intellectual capacity of these Supreme Court judges especially due to age. Yet another issue with the life tenure is that there is fear that power will continue to corrupt. Because these judges have power for these long periods, this may corrupt their moral judgment and reasoning capacity. Unaccountability is yet another major issue that has occurred due to the stalemate in power. A high rate of turnover is important because it would make the court more responsive. By increasing turnover in the Supreme Court, this would create dynamism in the judiciary and help to improve the decision-making patterns of the judges.

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There is a huge gap between the judges and the American citizens because they serve long tenures in power and this defies the sense of public service. However, the most direct way to enact term limits would be through a constitutional amendment, which would be a difficult process (Crampton and Carrington 61). There are calls to actualize the 18-year term limit for court judges. Lifetime appointments are done so that the judges are able to continue working even in difficult political environments. One other aspect of importance is the fact that even those judges serving on the bench have advocated for term limits. There are those who support a constitutional amendment that would enforce term limits on the judges. However, this debate has brought division among politicians from opposing parties. As the parties become ideologically divided then this would give the voters the ability to change the political landscape and this would mean that the Supreme Court would remain separated from issues related to politics (Crampton and Carrington 61).

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It has been revealed that justices will often drift from the ideological preferences of the governing coalition that elected them. Life tenure is often criticized simply because many times the justices will serve for so long that they become of touch with reality, and this is dangerous. The use of term limits will be important since it will increase the quality of the Supreme Court nominees. The nominee ages a major driving factor behind appointments in any of the top governmental jobs (Crampton and Carrington 61). Presidents will often intentionally exclude a large number of highly qualified individuals from serving on the Supreme Court. However, in spite of all this, there is the common belief that judicial reforms will begin with the changing of term limits in the Supreme Justice Court. The credibility of the court of law systems has constantly come into questions and there are calls to find solutions to these problems.

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Complacency in the courts has become a major occurrence and it is, therefore, necessary to find applicable solutions to deal with these issues. The changing of Supreme Court time limits would have major implications for the justice system and it may be the catalyst needed to spark change in the court system and to improve efficiency (Crampton and Carrington 61). It is believed that the main aim of securing life tenure for justices in the Supreme Court was actually to shield the judges from political pressure.  Politics has become a major issue even within the Supreme Court and it is important to ensure that future Supreme Court candidates are able to serve with integrity and at the same time have a sense of the real world experience (Stuart). It will, therefore, be important to develop a strategy that will lead to change and create different methods of operation within the Supreme Court.

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The process will involve developing mechanisms of change within the Supreme Court. If a democracy is to remain healthy, then it is important to ensure that no individual yields power for long. It is important to bring fresh ways of thinking to the Supreme Court and the only way of achieving this is through changing the period of service for Supreme Court justices. Carrington, eds.  Reforming the Court: Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices. Carolina Academic Press, 2006. Taylor, Stuart. Life Tenure Is Too Long For Supreme Court Justices".

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