Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

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Hinduism on other hand comes with different views of life. Hinduism is considered the religion of the people of India. It is also the oldest religion in the world. People who practice this religion believe in supernatural powers and various gods which serve different purposes in their lives, they believe life is not complete without these gods and the rituals they perform. Humanism and Hinduism have various examples that can be compared to identify if they show unity in their diversity or are total different and does not show unity in their aspects. Hindus worship different gods who provide them with guidance to lead spiritual and good life. In return they offer sacrifices and food to these gods. By honoring these sacrifices the gods provide the Hindus with wealth, fame, and other material gains.

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Failure to offer the sacrifices makes the Hindus vulnerable to demons. They end up suffering from various infections and leading a poor life. Samsara, here Hindus believe that when a person dies is reborn in a new physical form. One’s past and present life actions are combined to figure out the future life. It is considered as a journey that one makes starting from his past, present and future life until he meets with the Master (god). The journey of the soul, Hindus believe that only the physical form of human beings is mortal and prone to destruction. When people die they fly to space where nobody can reach them. Is a state of absolute peace of mind, body, and heart and is achievable only when one abandons all desires and renounces all worldly and acquisitive ties, Kurien (2006, p.

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To unload burdens of past life, Hindus believe that one should repent to get rid of his past sins and should try to accomplish all activities which were incomplete in the past life. Karma the absolute truth that haunts, Hindus believe that when a person dies without repenting the past sins and wrong doings, he/she will be haunted with the truth that he did such nasty things. When it comes to humanists, they acquire guidance on how to live their lives through beliefs and some foundations which are considered public pillars. Humanists believe in democracy as an aspect of constitution. The constitution also give the humanists the right of speech and freedom to express their views. Humanists also get guidance from the concept of evolution. They believe they were not created by God but evolved from somewhere.

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To them life has meaning when you live a wealthy life without worshiping anybody. They don’t believe that there is second world where people go after dying in their physical form. They believe that some foods people eat may cause them some harm and health problems. Junk or fatty meals may lead to heart attack to those who consume them frequently. These fatty foods may cause obesity to those who consume them in large quantities. People should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables because they are healthy and have a range of nutritional benefit to the body. For example people from western countries are prone to obesity due to consuming a lot of fatty meals. They believe that one should not undergo a lot of pain and suffering due to incurable ailment.

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When one is in irreversible coma and feeling a lot of pain, he/she should be killed painlessly. This process is also known as mercy killing or assisted suicide. When a person undergoes mercy killing, the humanists believe he has been released from pain and is happy. Learn a hobby or craft, learning craft will try to keep one busy and avoid indulging in bad activities such as stealing and raping. All these guidance mentioned above have elements which are grouped into three groups; one for the body, one for the mind, and one for the community. One for the body entails all humanists’ beliefs that will benefit one in terms of physical body. These includes guidance such as eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and having enough sleep. One for the mind, this entails activities that are associated directly to one’s consent.

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One will always feel good by being morally upright and indulging in important activities such as voting and making right choices. These gods also provide or grant Hindus their wishes such as wealth and long life. Humanists do not believe in life after death, once a person dies his/ her life end there. On other hand, Hindus believe there is second life after death, where one unites with his creator at a place called heaven, Grafton (2004, p. We learn a lot on the guidance these two groups acquire. First of all, life has purpose.

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