I am the bread of life Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

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This made the big crowd to follow him for more teachings where he now claims to deity by saying he is the bread of life. This is linked to the events of the old testament when Moses prayed for bread to serve the starving Israelites in Exodus. The teachings of this verse are extremely important and practical in day to day experiences. “I am the bread of life” is one of the instances in the Bible when Christ referred to himself using tremendous metaphors. This is the first “I am” statement that he uses, and the events surrounding the verse are quite important in showing why he used those words. This is after the Jews asked him to prove that he was truly sent from heaven as they were not satisfied with the two miracles he had performed.

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In verse 32, he tells them that it is God in heaven who sent them the bread but not Moses. This statement hence relates to the events of Exodus 16 where Moses was leading the Israelites from Egypt (Borgen 2017, 32). The events of this journey came with some challenges that called for Moses to go and seek help from God. Among the challenges was food when they cried to him saying they would rather stay under the rule of Pharaoh than starve in the desert. In the first event, rich with his goodness, God provided manna for the Israelites with the morning dew. In the second one, Jesus transformed five loaves of bread and two fish to feed 5000 hungry men, women, and children (Lockwood 2017, 14). In both cases, the people asked themselves what had been done; they had never seen something like that before.

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Just like how the bread sustained the Israelites through their 40-day exodus, it filled the crowd that later followed Jesus for teachings. Further, in the book of Deuteronomy (8:3), just before the entry into the promised land, Moses reminds the people of how God provided bread of life to them. Since he was using metaphoric words, a lot of people did not understand him and misunderstood his claim to deity for him claiming to be God. He therefore later explained to them that is the spirit that gives life and the body alone cannot do without the word, he further said that the words he was saying were spirit and they were life. The readings and understanding of verse 15 can be very helpful in the day to day life of any Christian.

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The verse shows how efficiently Christ meets the needs of everyone who seeks for him. As the words say, “I am the bread of life”, Jesus is there for everyone who will surrender his or her burdens to him. This is shown with how both the Israelites and the 5000 men were filled with spiritual bread after praying to God. This is therefore practical in the real world where with prayer and faith, anything can be done. Therefore, everyone just like the Israelites did should seek for the real spiritual bread to have eternal life in Christ. Bibliography Bible, Holy. King James Version. Morris, Leon.  Gospel of John. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1971.

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