Impact of salem witch trials to the society and puritan religion

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

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They are remembered in different ways as they formed a crucial turning point for America and also the neighboring countries. Before the trials occurred, religion and superstitions were not that important, but after the tests, they became more critical. The trials have been of significant impact on the society as well as the puritan religion. They are essential as they have made it clear that people fear and hate some things, yet they do not have a clear understanding of some things. The Salem trials gave out many interesting aspects that could not be understood today if they did not exist. Communists in Russia, especially the Russians, are tried in the aim of knowing if they have witches among them. However, the hunt is not always fair as some communities in India refer to women as witches.

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Women who are suspected to be witches are forced to abandon their healthy lives and are subjected to no aid. Even in the modern world, America continues with the witch hunt. Splitting of families Another significant effect of these trials was the splitting of families. Both the monument and the museum hold memories of the things that took place during the Salem trials. The constructions of such museums and parks have been done even in the modern world. When massacre occurs in a country or religion, the people in that area set up a park or a museum that they name it after the victims who lost their lives or something that is closely related to the situation that led to the loss. Puritanism and Salem witch trials The puritan religion had significant influence from the church and strictly followed Christianity beliefs.

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According to researchers, they said that the church was used as the cornerstone for the puritan society, especially in the 17th century (Mixon, 179-184). Some just felt that the laws were too harsh to be followed, while others did not believe in the beliefs that the other people found. By the time the puritans’ religion began, they had more power than the British government. However, at the end of the 17th century, the new colonists gained wealth, and society became unequal, which was against puritanism beliefs. It was at this point that the puritan started eliminating the non-puritans as well as those women who were accused of being witchcraft. The believed that the witches were trying to fight God since they were friends with the devil (King, 678-688). The numbers of people practicing witchcraft have decreased, and those who still practice it are found in secluded places.

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Also, people have learned that witchcraft is not the solution to one’s problem. For the puritan religion, they have stopped the killings of innocent people. Before a suspect is punished, he or she is taken to the court of law, and investigations are started. Once all the evidence have been gathered, the judge will announce the judgment whether the individual is guilty or not. Breitenbach, William. The Grounds and Bounds of Puritans' Sympathy.  Reviews in American History 44. Brown, Michael. The Salem Witch Trials: Dehumanizing the Different. Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2019. Hoberman, Michael. Abram C. Van Engen, Sympathetic Puritans: Calvinist Fellow Feeling in Early New England. Ingebretsen, Edward. BRILL, 2015. King, Ernest W. and Franklin G. Mixon Jr. Religiosity and the political economy of the Salem witch trials. Manning, David.

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Sympathetic Puritans: Calvinist Fellow Feeling in Early New England, by Abram C. Van Engen. McCabe, Michael E. The Consequences of Puritan Depravity and Distrust as Historical Context for Hawthorne’s ‘Young Goodman Brown’.  Public Choice Economics and the Salem Witchcraft Hysteria. Palgrave Pivot, New York, 2015. Murphy, Daniel P. Satan and Salem: The Witch-Hunt Crisis of 1692.  The Journal of American Culture 40. The Economics of Conversion and Salvation: An Examination of Puritanism’s Halfway Covenant.  Forum for Social Economics. Routledge, 2016. Smith, Cassander L. “Candy No Witch in Her Country”: What One Enslaved Woman’s Testimony During the Salem Witch Trials Can Tell Us About Early American Literature.

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