Indian Health Services in Public Health

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Health Care

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One of the notable agencies is referred to as The Indian Health Service (IHS). This will paper will expeditiously the role Indian health service plays in delivering health care to American Indians and Alaska Natives. Indian Health Service Indian Health Service is an agency within the department of Health and Human Services which was established in 1955. Approximately 2. 2 million Alaska natives and American Indians receive these services in 37 states (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2018). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) 2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 3. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) 4. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease (ATSDR) 5. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) 6. They are descendants of the indigenous people of North America. Some of the challenges faced by this group regarding receiving quality health care include geographic isolation, low income, cultural barriers, illiteracy and inadequate sewage disposal.

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They have a high mortality rate and their life expectancy is 5. 5 years lower than other Americans (HHS, 2018). Knowledge of diverse cultural patterns is critically significant in guiding clinical practices and decisions of health professionals. The fund collected is used to supplement funds obtained from Congress. IHS is marred with several limitations but underfunding is the biggest of them all. IHS is restricted to provide health services based on Congress’ annual appropriation. This differs from year to year hence IHS is forced to limit their services only to emergency cases. Additionally, this is also uneven distribution of IHS resources across other states (Sequist et al. 2 billion dollars for health centers program and requested 2. 7 billion in necessary resources. This cannot be compared with IHS construction budget for health care facilities Only 85 million was allocated for the construction of these facilities across several states (HRSA, 2018).

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Indian Health service has a staff of approximately 15,000 individuals picked from several departments such as United States Public Health Services, federal employees and the civil service. On the other hand HRSA has on board employment of 2,108 individuals. There is nothing wrong with Indian Health services but rather the resources allocated to them. The organization system established to oversee the provision of health services are equal to task. The only problem faced is lack of resources to make affordable health care attained and available to American natives. The never ending crisis at the Indian Health Service will continue rocking this organization if it continues to be underfunded. Additionally, the number of healthcare professionals is insufficient to take are of such a huge population.

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I believe that the only best way to empower these group is by making racism an offence punishable by law. The ground should be levelled and the market ace made open for all citizens. This is the best solution in ensuring that no prejudicial expectation and racist assumptions are made on any race. Conclusion In conclusion, it is quite certain that IHS is doing a commendable job. The federal government should hence increase allocation of funds and resources to IHS to enable it to function effectively. American Indian/Alaska Native - The Office of Minority Health. Retrieved from https://minorityhealth. hhs. gov/omh/browse. aspx?lvl=3&lvlid=62 HRSA. gov/ Mitchell, M. (2004) Righteous propagation: African Americans and the politics of racial destiny after reconstruction University of North Carolina Rhoades, E.

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