Infusing Creativity with Technology Education

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

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A great and passionate teacher has the capability to take through the students on the journey of pure and wonderful learning by responding to doubts of the students. This can be achieved by instilling the right environment to enhance creativity and curiosity for the students in learning. In the early days before the technology had been advanced, it was a challenge for creativity which is part of an understanding to shine among students. Fewer tools were used to teach the student and thus being confined in a few elements to think about. Changing the environment on elements of teaching can change the class environment for learners and thus curiosity to perform. The need for implementing classroom technology which is art based will involve having creative teachers who can adapt teaching practice which is learner-centered.

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Through the use of technology teacher can reinforce the old concepts which had been previously introduced through traditional teaching methods and this helps to meet the changing needs of the students. This paper will make an argument based on the need for infusing creativity with technology in teaching students in classrooms. My side of the argument Technology in education has encouraged the sharing of ideas in the classroom and outside through social media sites. Social sites have encouraged creativity in the current generation of students. For example, many of the universities and colleges and have adopted the use of online classes and assessment for learners by creating accounts for each respective student "How Technology Can Expand Creativity And Innovation In Education - The Edvocate". This will not only ease the concept of learning and reaching many students but the capability to access all the course content for the unit in the course of the semester.

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Feedback from professors after assessment of their work helps to control student on the area which needs improvement and further research to be conducted. Second on the reason for integrating creativity with technology in education, is the innovative tools which come together with new technology. New tools help a lot in meeting diversified needs of students as per their level of understanding. Work presented on google slides can be shared through links and changes made can be seen by the other groups or individual students shared. Mind mapping helps to make connections of ideas and concepts and thus helping to nurture critical thinking. Since when they were developed the purpose was to harness cortical skills by use of color, keywords, logic and spatial awareness. Use of mind map will guide students in organizing information chronology and according to the order of relevance.

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They consist of the main point and sub-branches which do spread in other parts of the paper and creating space for writing other ideas. Many of the learners have become culprits of plagiarizing their research and paraphrasing researches which have already been done by other scholars. Before the existence of the workers of scholars in soft form, people could conduct first-hand information on their work and go to the lab to perform their own work. Their presentations and thoughts turn out to be the real work. However, this isn't the case due to technology which has made those works to be published and can be accessed in different sites for use. Students become lazy and decide to use them as part of their original work. In general, the time for learners to carry on their assignments and have their own time to come up with unique answers.

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Conclusion Technology is the root of creativity in schools and other learning institutions. Innovations did through research and implementation soft the suggestions do move to industries to new levels. In infusing the creativity and technology lifts learning in schools to new heights and the level of good performance for students will move up when effectively integrated. Technology has helped in creating social sites where students can share their ideas on different things related to their field. The incorporation of ACT in learning has positive impact on the overall performance of the students but the way of integrating the technology into the curriculum is quite complex. There is quite difference between the abilities and reality of the classroom. In order to achieve the goal of integrating technology and creativity educators need to look for the right people with expertise in technology and pedagogy.

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Schools and learning institutions have to look for a framework of implementing ACT in studies. The work in this source helps us to understand the way to incorporate technology in improving status of the disabled students. It improves the performance of low learning learners and thus overall achievement in the school. Christensen, Clayton M. and Henry J. Eyring. The innovative university: Changing the DNA of higher education from the inside out. com/view/technology-is-killing-human-imagination-26344. aspx. Accessed 15 Dec 2018. In this article the author sensitizes on the use of Albert Einstein who has stressed on the need of imagination in learning than absorbing the knowledge. Imagination comes through the interacting with technology and improves our thinking and creativity. Their brains have no time for free thinking and coming up with creative ideas. Young kids through watching TVs and playing of games have interfered with imaginations of the students which form basics for creativity.

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Through getting stuck to our leisure activities we sacrifice for the creative parts. Learners are no longer taking time to think effectively and instead fill their minds with entertainment activities using their recent technology tools. Saxena, Saomya. This tools include ChartTool, Creately, Wise Mapping and SpiderScribe. Classroom, Teaching et al. How Technology Can Expand Creativity And Innovation In Education - The Edvocate". The Edvocate, 2018, https://www. theedadvocate. Lee, Mee‐Kyeong, and Ibrahim Erdogan. The effect of science–technology–society teaching on students’ attitudes toward science and certain aspects of creativity. International Journal of Science Education 29, no. This scholarly articles addresses the effectiveness of approach of using technology and science on the attitudes of students and their creativity. The work used an empirical study of Korean teachers who had participated in a development program.

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Co-curricular activities which encourage creative thinking are discussed. This paper is significant on this research as it looks how technology widely affects countries education system.

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