Intra-familial child sexual abuse

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Computer Science

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It causes traumatic experiences to the victims that can be long term such as despair, sexual dysfunction and suicide. The intention of this paper is to examine the intra-familiar child sexual abuse and its prevalence, whereby child incest is described, and the literature on it is reviewed. Triggers, various scientific symptoms, factual statistics, support systems for the victims and preventive techniques will also be mentioned. A case instance of a father daughter sexual abuse will bring more insight at the complexity of the undisclosed traumatic experience that happened to two British women. The paper will attempt to emphasize why it is crucial for parents or guardians and the society to take active preventive measures to curb the nightmare of intra-familiar child sexual abuse right under their watch. Intra-familiar child sexual abuse by a family member may be traumatic due to the fact that it entails excessive levels of deception, disgrace and confidentiality.

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It is a secret trauma to the victim physically and mentally and may result to adverse effects such as identity crisis and suicide. There are numerous unreported instances of infant sexual abuse in the household and, therefore, the suspects are repeat offenders and redress for the little one is never completed. This is because the child victims are afraid to inform someone or may be confused. Incest among a grownup and a child or adolescent is now identified as the most common cases of child sexual abuse and has the greatest potential for injury to the child. The child victim faces life long term challenges characterized by emotional turmoil, diminished self-esteem, impaired interpersonal relationships, and impulsive acting-out behavior. Intra- familiar infant sexual abuse is linked to various effects such as despair, fear, anxiety, anger , substance abuse and hostility.

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They may experience long-term adverse effects such as self-destructive behavior, sexual maladjustment, congenital issues, loss of life, and developmental and bodily disability. The effects are determined by the persona and length of the abuse, the child’s coping mechanisms, and the resource they acquire. The most damaging adverse cases involve father figures, genital touch, and pressure. Victims blame themselves and feel responsible for the sexual abuse and strain in the family after the ordeal. Victims of child abuse must understand it is not their fault. Therapeutic support should also be extended to non offenders in the family. Retaining open communication with children is vital so that you can forestall or curtail child sexual abuse. Children should be taught acceptable forms of affection and what is not acceptable. He would relocate frequently to avoid suspicion and questions as the two daughters sustained visible injuries.

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He prohibited the girls from going to school. The victim’s mother was absent at the time as she had left a few years earlier because of domestic violence and she couldn’t bear it any more. The perpetrator was arrested after the two daughters found strength to go to the police. The perpetrator denied the crimes and his Dna confirmed he was indeed the biological father to the seven children. Society should be mindful of any strange behavior of the child and identify symptoms that show child abuse inured to protect the children. Child rights activists should also examine cautiously to support all youth around community who are not capable to tell anyone of the problems they encounter. If the community and parents communicate about the problems they see in children and the family , this may lead to lower intra- familiar child abuse cases.

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Intra familiar is indeed a global social problem; therefore we should all play an active role to end the issue. The society and family should help the victims through different forms such as individual therapy, rehabilitation centers and support groups for the victims. Phillips, J. Letting the Future In: A Therapeutic Intervention for Children Affected by Sexual Abuse and their Carers. An Evaluation of Impact and Implementation. London: NSPCC. Hunt, Liz (2008). R. Laurens, V. J.  Sexual violence among children. child abuse.

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