Introduction to Sociology

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Sociology

Document 1

The worse part of it is that the prisons leadership lobbies politicians in influencing them to pass legislations that can favor them to make more profits. This affects entirely the criminal justice system in a country. For an effective correctional facility, it should help the prisoners to change their behaviors through rehabilitation and return them back to the society so that they make significant contribution to the society. Such a kind of justice system will greatly help to reduce the number of the people who are incarcerated. What is currently happening in the PIC environment is wrong. The Equity Employment Act defines visible minorities as people other than the Aboriginal who are non-white or non-Caucasian in race. This group comprises of people like the Chinese, Filipino, Black and South Asians among others.

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When this term is used in the labor market, it usually disadvantages the members of this group (Statcan, np). In social sciences, this term has been greatly used in making distinctions between people. This is more so in institution practices of the whites against the black people. When men face distractions especially those that are related with money, their testosterone levels normally spike up. When someone sends them money they gain again their normal health. Women are rarely affected by the actions of testosterone as men do. In our course, the level of testosterone can be associated to sexuality among species when it comes to sexuality. Sexuality is normally controlled by hormones. They should refrain to convict defendants partly in order to redress racism and discrimination that the blacks are experiencing.

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The author recommends that it is good for these people to be convicted within the communities of African Americans (Collins-Chobanian, p517). This can be applied in the case of the laws that apply in drugs. When it comes to issues like these, the Black Americans are mostly targeted in this graft. The black people are mostly incarcerated in the states. One of the people who have made contributions towards this large ongoing discussion is Sarah Blaffer Hrdy. Sarah Blaffer critiques the whole issue of “Coy Female”. In fact, she notes that most of the female animals that were studied, polyandrous rather than monogamy and they also mate sometimes for reasons other than reproduction. Sarah Blaffer tries to examine the widely conceived concept regarding male and female.

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This is the notion that male sexual undiscriminating and that and that most of them regardless of the species that they come from are ardent. Some of the female animals who fall in other classes might have “forgotten” to be coy and exhibited behaviors which are typical for the male animals. According to Darwin theory of selection, female invest extensively in their gametes and are likely to undergo copulation purposely for reproduction. However, Sarah has criticized this concept since it appears to be so abstract and merely an imagination which is not real. In reality, the female animals are caught up in frequent mating activities. To show Darwin’s sediments are not true, it was shown that even some of the females, who are supposed to be passive sexually, are engaged in sex even when they were not on heat or fertile; promiscuity.

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Sarah has disapproved this notion. The female chimpanzees in fact exercise goes ahead to have sex so many times even after they have conceived. In this case the male animals might be perceived as having the coy behaviors while the female ones have the indiscrimate behaviors (Hrdy, p124). This is a critic to the work by Darwin about the “Coy Female”. It shows that the coy behaviors are not typical for the female. For example, this applies to those animals which live in a community that is controlled by one male animal. The female animals have no option but to engage in sex with this single male in charge of the herd. As a result, there is increased competition among the female animals in order to attract the male to mate with it.

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For this to happen, it should not be portraying its coy behaviors but rather be aggressive so that it can benefit from this competition (Hrdy, 132). The female animals which are thought of as monogamous are very flexible in their mating patterns. In this analysis of Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, the following have come up: Some of them require an extra attention in order to understand them fully. First, females are known to be coy. There is therefore need to find out why they become other than coy. The female has a mating unit in which they seek their male for mating. However, they go beyond their breeding units seeking partners for breeding in order to mate promiscuously or even seek excess copulation.

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This is a society that value purity and morality as far as sexuality is concerned. I the article “Myth of the Coy Female “by Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, the theme of animal sexuality is also widely discussed in in depth. What comes out clear from the three articles is that sex is for reproduction and not pleasure. Sexuality and mating should be purposely for fertilization and reproduction. In “The pursuit of teen girl purity” a father uses a charm of bracelet which contains a lock in the shape of a heart (Gibbs, p1). This is allowed for some female species that are capable of storing sperms. The point from the two cases as discussed is that sex is not for pleasure but it is meant for reproduction.

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According to Darwin, male animals are portrayed as ardent and indiscriminate when it comes to sex. The female is depicted as being passive when it comes to sex. Even for the mature females, they should only engage in mating when they are on their oestrus. Animals especially the female animals have actually entangled in sexual vices. These vices are polyandrous, promiscuity and co-parenting (Hrdy, p126). It is so unfortunate that two or more male animals can sire an offspring and take of it. The female is engaging in a series of sexual relationships. Unfortunately, there is no Christianity here to salvage the situation unlike it is among the high order primates. In most cases, they are the ones who are looked after by the male counterparts.

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They make choices of the completing male who are always in need of their attention. Courtship in most cases begins out with male animals or people who approach the female ones. The female organisms are mostly faced with one or more option to choose from. Whenever this happens, they often select the best so that they can sire offspring. Yet this comes out naturally that people have a life that conforms or similar to that which is being lived by the animals. Both the animals and the people are living a pure life as much as sex is concerned. They are abstaining from sex until they are ready to bear children. However, there is slight difference in which the fathers play role in the life of the young ones.

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