Intrusion Detection System Essay

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Technology

Document 1

This very critical since no one can imagine the current world for even one minute without a laptop or a computer under the connection with the network. Since most of the people in the world have now resorted to almost doing everything on the internet, this only shows the quantity of the vital information that is contained on the internet. Such information includes personal identity information and even the companies’ different operational steps and stages in their production. This information is very critical and of high value that if the crackers can get hold on, they will do great harm to many different people in the world. This has led to many types of research being done on just the way to secure such information.

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According to Garcia (2009, p. 27), the intrusion detection system always focuses on not only looking for threats from the incoming internet traffic but also on those that comes from the system itself. When the intrusion detection system become aware of the threat it logs the signal or the alert and sends it to the administrator. When the threat or the attack has been identified how it will dealt on depends on the kind of the intrusion detection system that has been installed in place. With host-based intrusion detection system, the structure try to notice anamolous and spasms, like abjuration of package attacks. In his research studies, Tsai, C. F (2009, p. 225) this system does this by always being alert during any change in the logs of the system by comparing the new logs to the one placed in place by the security policy of the computer system and take necessary action.

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For example, such a system is tripwire, which works as protocol that is based intrusion detection systems that works by monitoring the condition of the protocol and the dynamic behavior of the. In the market today many activities have been put in place like prevention systems, intrusion detection and techniques to help in securing systems and information. By these operations it continually analyzes the lineups and operations behavior. After observing its anomalous, activities, it makes the operator aware and give him or her a choice to permit or reject the action. A disadvantage of this process is that it does not have to accumulate a model or update signature documents and can swiftly stop fresh attacks. The final method takes a completely different approach.

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Its called Heuristic Monitoring which is founded on the basis of experience techniques and always work on the key question or point that when command is allowed to run whether it will be harmful to the system when its allowed to run. An IDS monitors the firewall for breaches and also monitors the traffic on the organization's network for any anomalies. According to Aydın (2009, p. 520), this is significant in the case of an external operator linking to an organizations structure by linking it through a connected modem on the linkage. This method of attack cannot be detected by a firewall. But an intrusion detection system can identify the abnormal action and account the intrusion to the administrator. , Diaz-Verdejo, J. , Maciá-Fernández, G.

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