Islamic and Christianity Comparison

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Religion

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These cultures have worshipped a lot of gods, sacrificed animals, worshipped stones and statues in respect and honor to the gods. However there are two main reigning religion groups in the world. They are the two major and largest religion on the universe they are Christianity and Islamic. The both religions originated from the Middle East and can be considered to be monotheistic (the both believe in existence of one God in whom they believe in). Though the share the same origin they have a lot of differences between them in terms of central figures, revelations ,its early expansions the practices they do, their festivals and much more. The Bible on the other hand presents the occasion in a different way. It states that Zachariah was visited by the Angel and was notified that he would have a son (John the Baptist) who was sent by God.

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Virgin Mary was the visited by the Angel and told that she would conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit and bare a boy sent from God. The bible acknowledges Christ as the son of God and as the way truth and life (THOMAS HARRIS). The followers of these two religions leave a very different life from one another. On the other side Allah expresses His will to be followed and obeyed. He distant himself from his people and those who believe in Him are like ‘slaves’ who does His will and follow His commands. According to some Christians who were Muslims before converting, Allah is like a remote judge who keeps some distant from those that He will judge. They also say that there is little man – God relationship in Islamic which comes in moments of negation.

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In (Surah 40;48) it is stated that He is Al-Hakem and the Al-Hasib meaning that Allah is the judge and He is the one who gives punishments to His people and the Reckoner (Accouter) who judges his followers deed and give them the right punishments or reward them. This makes even individuals stop their daily activities and their things they do at will to submit and follow the belief and practices. Although Islam has some institutions which govern and administer the practices of the Muslim communities and individuals. These evidently shows that Islamic have a very big impact in its believers lives and also affects the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims. For example Muslims rarely marry Christians or vice versa. Their calendars are so diverse that even interaction between them is somehow altered.

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Christians feel excluded by the Muslims and many of the encounters have been full of frustrations and often see no reason to argue with the Muslims since they regard them as people who do accept others. Since the Christian churches are spread all over and very dominant the Muslims describe the Christians movement as a spiritual group lead a small group of people who are dedicated and claim to be spread the word of God. Muslims professionals find it hard to relate with Christians. Their structural organization between these religions are also very different. The Muslim who know the Imam never acknowledge Christianity or anything they associate with. But men and women are not in that predicament”. The Christians who back slide are urged to repent and go back to Christ ways as demonstrated in the prodigal son parable but the exact opposite happens in Islamic.

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The Quran itself states that, “The Muslim can be totally sure that Allah will never restore a believer who has rejected the teaching and faith of Islam. This is why so many Muslims quickly disown children who have converted to another religion…Why love them when almighty Allah will never love them? (Caner 2002:33)” This clearly shows that Muslims who backslide are not accepted back and that’s why many of the civilized children of Muslims opt changing religion when they do something wrong (Gillum). In terms of conduct and security behavior, Islamic religion have been violent in the recent part claiming almost three quarter of the terrorist crimes performed in the world. Accessed 27 June 2018. Gillum, Joshua. Comparing Islam And Christianity To Reveal The Propaganda Of Terrorism".  Is Islam Peaceful Or Violent, vol 4, 2010, pp.

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Accessed 27 June 2018. pp. Accessed 27 June 2018.

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