Israel 's relationship with the Arab states

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:History

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Israel is a country which has a long history of religion in the Middle East since it has been considered as the cradle for Christianity. Most Christians teaching are anchored on the history of the nations. In this regards, the country has been considered as the holy land. However, the country has struggled to make diplomatic relations with Arab countries due to a schism which has been deeply embedded in the religion and the concept of Zionism. For instance, the nations have been surrounded by Muslim countries of which a majority of them fail to recognize its sovereignty. The genesis of Israel Arab Conflicts The modern conflict between Israel and the Arabs nations has its genesis at the begging of the 20th century. In particular, the conflict is deeply embedded in the willingness of the political movement, Zionism, to build a nation through a Jew nation in Palestine despite the prevalence of fierce opposition between the Arabs and Jews.

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After the Second World War, the rivalry between the Palestine and Israel increased as the British compelled Great Britain to relinquish its role and mandate over Palestine. As a result, the UN General Council voted to partition the nation in November 1947. The territory was divided into two portions; one of the Arabs and that of the Jews. Eisenhower administration created pressure which led to the end of the war. In 1957, Israel withdrew the army from Sinai region; on the other hand, Egypt agreed to grant freedom of navigation. War of Attrition The absence of diplomatic efforts to mitigate the tension between Egypt and Israel led to a heightened conflict between the two nations. The Egypt governments decided to intervene militarily in Sinai as a move to compel Israel to withdraw its troops.

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Notably, the war occurred in the epoch of cold war. Yom Kippur War In 1970, Sadat initiated diplomatic talks which were ignored by Israel as well as the US. As a result, Syria attacked Israel in the Day Yom Kippur which is the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. The issue led to an international intervention by the USSR and US which called for a consultative meeting to end the war. The United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution to cease the war. However, the cease power did not end work. Gaza War Gaza strip is the land between Israel and Egypt which has created a struggle between the Israel government and that of Egypt. The war started in December 2007 until January of 2009. Israel intention of retaining control of the area was to control rocket fire from Palestine.

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Diplomacy Relations The evolution of the Israel diplomat relations has been heftily impacted by a series of wars and uprisings in the past. Economic and political ties have been affected by these conflicts and uprisings. Notably, Israel has one of the robust economies. In particular, they have some of the world best technologies in dairy and animal production. Military and political relations The country has been at war on several instances with the Arabs neighbors. Mainly, the state has fought with Syria, Jordan, Palestine, and Egypt. Therefore, Israel has failed to make any political tie with its neighbors. Moreover, the cultural and political demand advocated by the Kurds and Berbers has been frustrated. More so, their ambition of claiming the Mindanao and the southern part of Thailand has been crushed. In the early 20th century, millions of Muslims were killed and exiled from the Caucasus and Balkans of India.

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Recently, hundreds of thousands of Muslims have killed form Myanmar. In this light, the odium stirred by a smaller Zionist. Furthermore, according to the Koran teaching of the Muslims, Abraham, Moses, and David who are found in the Jewish Bible were Muslims prophets. The notion that Muslims are not the original heirs to the land of Israel amounts to Islamic suppression. Notably, the Islamic suppression is deeply embedded in the Islamic dogmas of tahrif which insists that Jews and Christian teachings disfigure Islamic themes delivered by the prophet of antiquity. The idea of Islamic suppression which deeply anchored on tahrif may appear to non-Muslims as justifying the doctrinal superiority of the Islam. In addition, these teaching shed some light on the primary reason why a majority of the Muslims states fail to recognize the Jewish ties to Jerusalem and accept the fact that is the holy land of the Jews.

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Nevertheless, the merit of the peace treaty with Israel and substantial cost of continued schism indicated that more than 81% of Muslims wanted Palestinian to control Israel. Its only 31% of Christians that endorsed the Jewish control Jerusalem. Moreover, the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel by President Trump led to heavy criticism from the Arabs nations. Besides, the US president remark s also contradicts the United Nation rule which stated that a country should not have its capital on disputed land. Israel Secret Arabs Allies Strengthen foreign policies has been the main Agenda of President Trump. However, the United States Corporation with the Jordan Government to support Syrian group has raised questions of how the Israel government has been involved with the issues of Jordan. However, the role Israel plays in the Syria border is no longer a question.

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Reports have suggested that the Israel government has been working with Syrian to develop a neutral zone in the other side of Golan Heights. Moreover, the Israel government has a military unit which has provided foodstuff and medical services to wounded Syrian. The services are not limited to civilians; it has extended it merciful hand to rebels who have been supported financially to purchase ammunition and firearms. In addition, other reports have suggested that furtive meeting between Israel chief of intelligence and their Gulf counterparts. In 2010, Meir Dagan traveled to Saud Arabia to hold a meeting regarding Iran nuclear program. Apparently, business ties are growing between the nation; Israel has sold their agricultural technologies to and homeland securities to Gulf nations a through a third party. A closer look at recent activities between Israel and Arab countries such as Jordan, the Western Bank, Egypt and the Gulf States can longer be viewed in the lenses of isolation.

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Instead, Israel is now entirely involved in the affairs of Arab countries military expeditions against Iran and its allies. Notably, an imminent danger in waiting bay as the country strived to improve it relation with the Arabs states. In particular, recently, there has been an increase in a terror attack in Tel Aviv as well as radicalization. However, the Israel government has intensified its oppressive measure against worshipers by arresting Sheik Raed who was an anti-Judaism activist. With regards to settlements, Tel Aviv Has commissioned the building of numerous units of settlements. The move is geared to reinforce Jewish influence against Palestine’s. Also, the country was able to build diplomatic relations with Iran in 1950s and 1960s. The wave of nationalism which swept most African countries also led to the creation of ties between the African states and Israel.

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There were setbacks in 1973 which was a result of the war, but a peace agreement with Egypt and Jordan in 1979 was noted as a breakthrough. Furthermore, Israel made ties with other nation such as Morocco, Tunisia, Bahrain, Oman, and Qatar. Additionally, there have been reports on different media channels which has highlighted the growing relations between Israel and the Arabs countries. Israel government has made allied and impacted people on the Gulf and Saudi Arabia. Nevertheless, it also has significant issues with Jordan and Turkey. For instance, after the Israel security officer was involved in the shooting of two civilians in Jordan, the ambassador of Israel to Jordan was withdrawn. According to credible sources, one of the civilians had attacked the Israel security officer. Similarly, the Israel ambassador to Egypt has kept a relatively low profile something that is not mundane with Israel foreign ambassadors.

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Similarly, Iran has strengthened its ties with Qatar and Turkey recently. I23n this light, Riyadh has changed the view on Israel as it endeavors to initiate the peace process in with the US. Consequently, Israel increase in diplomatic ties in the region is real, but each knot is not primarily secure. Conclusion Apparently, Israel has created diplomatic ties with nations from different economic blocks as a way of strengthening its economic prosperity. However, Israel has failed to create diplomatic ties with the Arabs countries due to the evolution of their conflict. com/20170911-the-danger-of-relations-between-israel-and-sunni-arab-states/. Brecher, Michael. Israeli Leaders’ Perceptions of the Arabs, the Arab–Israel Conflict, and Peace: Formative Generation, 1948–77.  Dynamics of the Arab-Israel Conflict, 2017, 43-52. doi:10. org/140768/document. Frentzman, Seth. How significant are Israel's relations with the Arab world?" The Jerusalem Post, December 2017.

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jpost. com/Israel-News/How-significant-are-Israels-relations-with-the-Arab-world-519959.  Edinburgh University Press, 2018. doi:10. edinburgh/9780748698912. Ungar, Amie. Why Israel's Quiet Relations With Moderate Sunni Arab States Are Coming Into the Open. x566751. Zilber, Neri. Israel’s Secret Arab Allies.  The New York Times, July 2017. nytimes.

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