Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Health Care
The health care administration and the human resources manager play important role in the management of the numerous challenges that affect the healthcare industry to ensure high-quality health care. Their roles contribute to efficiency, performance, and quality in the healthcare industry. Human resources management in healthcare administration The human resources in the healthcare include advanced practice nurses, registered nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurse managers, nurse administrators, dentists, midwives and physicians among others professionals (Shipton, Sanders, Atkinson, & Frenkel, 2015). The roles of the human resources management in the healthcare industry include development, hiring, planning, retention and performance management. Although all roles of human resources management are distinct in all sectors, the healthcare human resources management is unique. They can contribute towards healthcare reforms through the development of initiatives that increases access to healthcare and strategies that help in the improvement of the quality of care.
The global population is in aging owing to the baby boomers; with the largest percentage of the population consisting of people of old age. This has increased the healthcare demands among this segment of the population. The healthcare demands of the aging population have often been reflected in the increased job pressure among the healthcare professionals. Niles, 2014) points that the increased healthcare demands and high workplace pressure requires a workforce that is stable and committed. Some of the common types of benefits for employees include the compensation to the workers, unemployment insurance, unpaid family and medical leave and social security among others. The modern human resources management has evolved and more non-traditional benefits have been designed to improve employee performance. The human resources management can design the employee benefits to include such elements as performance bonuses, which can enhance satisfaction and improvement of work performance.
However, this role cannot be fully effective if there is a financial problem in the healthcare sector. The healthcare system is always faced with a lot of challenges. Barton, 2017). However, lack of motivation can be as a result of lack of adequate funds to do so and not the failure of the healthcare administrators. In this particular scenario, the hospital has a good reputation in the provision of quality healthcare. However, there is a significant reduction of patients which is associated with the cost of care and competition around the hospital location. To deal with this problem, it is important to review the cost of care by developing packages that are more affordable and enticing to the general public. Further, this increases the competition level restoring quality services. Fullan, 2018) In the labor market, at least 45% of employees are dealing with stress, related to work or personal issues.
This is a challenge that the managers and the employees need to deal with jointly. Therefore developing initiatives that will help employees deal with stress will go a long way in helping the employees to become more productive. The healthcare sector is particularly challenging considering the set-up and the type of experiences involved. The cost of training health workers is high; the tuition fee is overwhelming, and some students take the course so as to pay back once they are in the workforce. However, the poor pay and limited employment that is pensionable terms scare individuals away from the sector. Starting up programs that will help the students pay their loans is the most efficient way to attract more people to train as health workers. Wexler, 2015) Most hospitals operate in very competitive areas, and it is important to come up with strategies like signing up bonuses that the patients will receive upon registration in the facility.
This will encourage the patients to visit the facility frequently. Boundary compromise normally emerges when the relationship between parties hazes their roles through one another or brings about a double-blind condition where personal interests overturn the professional’s fundamental commitment to the welfare of the patient in ways that damage or appear to damage the physician-patient relationship (Pozgar & Santucci, 2014). Boundary compromise cause damage to not only individual patients, but they also carries ramifications for others when they erase confidence and trust within the profession more broadly. For instance, sexual exploitation by physicians have detrimental ramifications on patients including but not limited to intense shame, depression, guilt, post-traumatic disorder, increased alcohol and drug use, suicidal thoughts, relationship break-ups, as well as, loss of employment (Submission, 2017). The ramifications for the physician of boundary compromise such as sexual boundary compromise can be overwhelming such as the trauma of the legal hearing and investigation, financial hardship, loss of medical license, as well as, media publicity (Anderson, 2016).
On the same note, reports of boundary violations by medical professionals reinforce public view that medicine as an occupation is not following its obligations and that physicians are more concerned with satisfying their demands instead of those of their patients. Therefore, its proof should be treated with much seriousness. Finally, a plaintiff in a careless case must prove a lawfully recognized damage, normally in the form of physical injury to an individual or to the property. It is not sufficient that the accused failed to exercise rational care. Therefore, the failure to provide rational care must lead to harm to an individual to whom the accused owed a responsibility of care (Pozgar, 2015). These injuries can be real costs including lost income and medical expenses or intangible costs including suffering, pain, or loss of friendship.
According to (Fottler, Khatri, & Savage, 2015), the U. S healthcare system is beleaguered by many challenges such as increasing healthcare costs and nurse shortage. The growth of the healthcare field owes much to improve the quality of care and the levels of outcomes, all which can be attained with the sufficient and well-trained workforce. The recruitment process ensures the right individuals, with experience and required skills, are employed in the healthcare systems. The process ensures individual healthcare personnel who can implement healthcare models that improve levels of outcomes such as evidence-based practice and reduce costs such as the use of patient-centered approach (for example the Accountable Care Homes-ACH), is hired. Moreira, P. Challenging healthcare-associated infections: a review of healthcare quality management issues. Journal of Management & Marketing in Healthcare, 4(4), 254-264. doi:10. x13016677137770 Bulau, M.
d. Trust, Privacy, Issues in Cloud-Based Healthcare Services. Cloud Computing Systems and Applications in Healthcare, 163-188. doi:10. ch009 Lim, W. x13789820182545 Ward, M. J. Price, S. A. Issues in Nursing Administration: Selected Readings.
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