IT Control and Security Research

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Technology

Document 1

Governments and organizations have had to come up with strict measures that will prevent the occurrence of these crimes. Despite, this measures cyber security has become a concern to all companies and people that continue to use information technology in their activities. The general overview of this report focuses on the latest challenges that come with improved information technology and its impact on cyber security. The focus is on the latest cyber security techniques, emerging trends and even ethics leading to change in the face of cyber security. Introduction In the current trends man can send and receive large amounts of data through the email or even audio/video by use of button. The cyber security is not limited to just ensuring the information on information technology is secure but rather also on other areas such as the cyber space.

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Emerging trends in technology such as mobile computing, E-commerce and net banking require high levels of technology since they deal with private information such as bank accounts, private information among others. The improvement of cyber security and protection of important information infrastructure are essential in improving economy of any nation while also ensuring a nation is secure. Due to the emerging trends and the need to ensure internet is safe, most governments have developed policies geared towards achieving cyber security. Indeed it is clear, law enforcement agencies ought to be tasked with ensuring cyber -crimes are investigated and the culprits are prosecuted. 1 version model with over 20 per cent of web site browsers across the world. The company has embraced open innovation by creating the Wikipedia which relies extensively on the outsiders and the volunteers to share ideas and develop some answers on various challenges and problems across the globe.

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Truly, the success of the Mozilla corporation use of open innovation strategy can be attributed to various factors as Michelle Baker, the Chief Executive Officer of the corporation confirms as reported by (Mendonca and Sutton 2008): • Mode of participation is effectively managed • Balancing of both the external and internal innovators • Decision making evenly distributed • Creation of an enabling environment by having open management style. Cyber Crime It is an illegal activity that mainly uses a computer as the main source and means of earning commission and theft. The United States further describes with storage of evidence being part of it. Additionally, studies shows that only about half of these companies feel confident on their measures they have put in place to safeguard their information and even those with the security measures very few are confident with them.

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Particular case has been the Android operating system with predictions showing attacks on it will occur but not in massive scale. The use of android in tablets means the gadgets will soon be targeted by the same malware as that which targets smart phones. These malwares are also expected to grow in less scale in Macs than in PCs with an estimation that the new windows 8 and windows 10 allow users to come up with applications for almost all devices thus allowing development of malicious applications. Trends Changing Cyber Security Web Servers Attacks on web based applications continue to be real with such threats aiming at extracting information and later spreading the infected code using legit web servers. Existence of firewalls and other security measures are not enough in securing the ever easily penetrable devices such as the tablets, phones and PCs.

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Apart from the applications installed on these phones very few extra securities can be installed on these phones. The security issues of these networks continue to pose a threat with most of these being prone to cyber- crimes thus security issues must be addressed. New Internet Protocol IPv6 is a new form pf internet protocol that has replaced the older version of IPv4 that has always been easy to protect. The IPv6 has been formulated to replace the older IPv4 with an idea of adding more IP addresses. Cyber criminals have continuously used these social media platforms to hack for private information and also to steal valuable information. Breach of security of any kind can lead to hackers obtaining large amounts of data that can be used by criminals in illegal activities.

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Companies such as Facebook and twitter need to be aware and have a real time response in identifying a threat and preventing any impending one. Social Medias are a platform that poses a threat to cybercrime due to the millions of audiences who use them for communication. The Medias are known to allow people to share commercial information, sensitive data while also giving power to its users to spread false information which can lead to damage. Such software’s are able to identify the suites that are risk to the users. Some will identify the risks related to virus attack and other take care of issues such as the content. Malware Scanners Scanners are also important for PCs since they scan files and documents before they can be downloaded.

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These scanners are able to detect viruses, worms and also Trojan horses. Firewalls The internet has become source of viruses, worms and also hackers, thus firewall program is an important tool that can be used to screen out such threats that originate from the internet. As reported by (Stephanie Condon 2018) in ZDNETgoogle and apple now have developed new advanced protection programs that can support both the android and apples iPhone. These programs are aimed at limiting the number of applications that can gain access to google data. The two largest providers of the mobile phone operating systems are now working in form of alliance, this will turn increase their overall market share as they continue to enjoy economies of scale and increased market penetration.

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Conclusion Information technology provides an important dimension through which the issue of cyber security is realized in any organization. Different platforms such as scam advisers and use of firewall have been developed to ensure that the customers feel safe wherever they are. Joint effort between the information technology and the business users need to work hand in hand in order to have a synergy of gains being achieved. According to (Kleiner 2012) only apple has been able to lock other firms from using its innovation by limiting those with its knowledge on the iPhone operating system. Conversely, such an endeavor requires continuous innovation which apple has done over the years. Despite that most companies still hope that the rate of innovation will not slow since this can lead to leakage of information to the competitors and eventually leading to loss of the intellectual property.

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