Jim Crow and His Impact on The Society

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:History

Document 1

After the end of the Civil war in 1865, most former Confederate states adopted Black codes that restricted the movement of the former slaves attempting to keep African Americans under the control of white landowners contrary to the reconstruction that was taking place at the time. The Black codes brought on a racial segregation that was a foundation for the Jim Crow era. The African America population may have been set free but the marginalization that was to come after was going to change their lives drastically. When Reconstruction was officially over in 1877, the bitter whites rioted against the black vote by forming terrorist groups like the Ku Klux Klan (formed in 1866). These groups instilled fear into blacks and those who assisted them. Failure to submit to the Jim Crow laws led to insult, injury, arrest and worse death from angry whites.

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One case that brought about the fight against the Jim Crow laws, was that of Rosa Parks. Ms. Parks an African American living in Montgomery, Alabama working as a seamstress in a downtown department store. She had formally been working in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored people (NAACP) where she served as a secretary to E. This captured the world’s attention with groups of black college students in Greensboro, North Carolina having 'sit-ins' and protests that followed from cities such as Birmingham and Selma. In another case (Browser V. Gayle) in the U. S. District Court on June 4, 1956, a panel of 3 judges ruled that racial segregation of public buses was unconstitutional. Augustine to their local schools which led to a process of disintegration in Nebraska city schools which showed the impact of Jim Crow as a rock upon which black communities fought for their children's rights to education.

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By 1893, during springtime, most of the former students of St. Augustine were enrolled in the Nebraska city graded schools. However there were still some issues in enrollment of black children in the graded system. Jordan Knox, a father to two daughters, sued the independence Board of education for the failure of school management to enroll his 2 daughters at a grade school that was close to their home. Before the 1900, white and African Americans worked together in trade as well as unskilled positions. The South was developing and factory owners were easing in the Jim Crow laws into the work place. At first factory owners only segregated the workplace by providing separate housing for the black employees, but as industrialization started occurring in the South, employers started to categorize jobs. Certain jobs were delegated to white workers while lower ranked positions were assigned to black workers.

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Domestic and manual labor were considered black work. The March on Washington was the first successful national campaign against racial discrimination in the workplace. A. Phillip Randolph, the president of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, organized a March together with other labor leaders around the country to address low wages and discrimination within the workplace. Through Executive order 8802, President Franklin Roosevelt, created the Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC) due to fear of what the march would portray about the US. FECP was mandated to check for discrimination in companies and to recommend to the government to withhold federal funded defense contracts. They formed groups and unions and protested against these laws. Their cries were sometimes ignored but they pushes on. And their work did yield fruits. The white man was forced to remove segregation due to the black man’s cry.

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Integration was incorporated where black people had equal rights as white people.

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