Justice and just society essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Philosophy

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These philosophers include In a Different Voice by Carol Gilligan, and the Crenshaw’s Demarginalizing the intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory, and Antiracist Politics. Evaluation and synthesis In my synthesis of justice and a just society, I will use two philosophers who adopt almost a similar view about justice. The synthesis will constitute an appraisal of doctrinal understanding about how the authors understand the concept of justice as well as promoting a just society. The background shall draw on the instantaneous reasons for which justice is viewed as equality and appreciation of diversity. While the objective is to clarify the threshold for the truth as a basis for justice in a society, dissecting on the nature of humanity that qualifies it as a social being, as well as defining the principles for a just society, it is critical that I shall remain adept about what the authors posit.

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Establishing functional human relationships contributes to the emancipation of stumped human rights. Further, it helps in justifying the psychological behavior that is shared by both men and women enabling them to seek each other continuously. As a result, a society, which is constituted by men and women exists as a social system, operationalized by determined ethical constructs. Better still, it is crucial that in all the interactions, justice should go beyond the difference in gender, age, or social positions. Injustice in the society spring from human needs, reasons and perception people develop about both economic and social occurrences. Crenshaw’s appraisal of the legal, operational framework led to one landmark conclusion; The court’s refusal in DeGraffenreid to acknowledge that Black women encounter combined race and sex discrimination implies that the boundaries of sex and race discrimination doctrine are defined respectively by white women’s and Black men’s experience…black women are protected only to the extent that their skills coincide with those of either of the two groups (p.

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Entrenching court pronouncements on race or sex superiority is a precursor of an unjust society. A society built on selective legal policies is derogative and fails to appreciate that human beings are social creatures that rely on each other. A just system should not peg protection of its population by continuously building on relationships. Should this be the situation, Crenshaw warns that it will “completely obscure problems of intersectionality (p. By assigning Moore’s bid on black women as merely an allegation about discrimination defines the impartiality of the truths and laws as a sure way to safeguard justice. Crenshaw suggests that the “rationale is problematic,” which implies the understanding of a justice defined by truths and laws as inessential, insensitive and derogative in the formation of a society. Moreover, a society established under such policies are subject to revolutionary ideologies that if not checked in time may lead to social and economic crises.

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The principle of law and trust policies impede the actualization of changes in both legal and social framework that could improve realization of justice. In the words of Crenshaw on the antidiscrimination doctrines about employment, “as long as the antidiscrimination doctrine proceeds from the premise that employment systems need only minor adjustments, opportunities for advancement by disadvantaged employees will be limited” (p. As a result, laws, truths, or rules rarely establish justice in society but instead magnifies the inconsistency in the application of justice. Realization of justice in a society is a subject of the relationships that humans have in their daily social lives. While everyone has a style of solving disputes, two essential features of disputes resolution as defined by Gilligan are the “orientation towards self-actualization and group needs” (p.

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Also, whether one is in the middle of the conflict or not, their salvation entirely depends on the types, and strength of social relationships they have developed. Besides, human’s connections are only elucidated by the prevailing tone or attitude of the parties involved. Still, I would accept the skewed courts to determine justice in society: they are useful in blocking the realization of justice in a society. Works cited Crenshaw, Kimberle. Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: a black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory, and antiracist politics.  Feminism and politics (1998) Gilligan, Carol. In a different voice.

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