Karl marx Alienation From The Self

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Philosophy

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These philosophers have described ideal conditions that facilitate the attainment of social, economic or political equality or alienation as a factor of the human condition; however, their individual views and arguments differ on principle with respect to the factors that determine the presence or absence of alienation. Marx examines the concept of alienation in the perspective of economics and human nature. He asserts that workers are unlikely to be satisfied with the quality of their live if perceived in the context of their jobs against their natural needs. Therefore, they are likely to be alienated in as far as the meaning in their lives is concerned. Essentially, workers become slaves of their jobs or products that they create. Alienated/ Estranged Labor The concept of alienated or estranged labor has shown how much labor has been objectified in the sense that a worker is seen as a tool for producing wealth.

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The more wealth the worker produces, the richer the nation and the employers are. Labor is objectified in the sense that the product of labor is usually a commodity that can be valued, rated, and objectified. The worker becomes perfect in doing his trade that they spend their lives dedicated to their trade. Not only do workers become dedicated to their line of production, but they also give less attention and less effort to their own self-relative to the efforts and dedications they give to their work (Marx 1844). The worker can only identify with the product he has gained through hard work but not as the end product. Therefore, the worker stands deprived. Another point clearly brought out by the Karl Marx view is that laborer cannot enjoy an object as it was hardly his creation (Marx 1844).

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The labor’s relationship with the object is more or less identification with each other. The laborer cannot understand the object as his or her life exists out of the line of duty. However, it can also be understood that, of course, labor is the beginning and the heart and soul of production. It is quite evident that labor does not necessarily possess the sole purpose of making the users of the product happy. Their intent is to get wages for the labor done. People are enjoying the end product and the labor that is deprived and devalued. Additionally, alienation is presented in the context of human nature. Consequently, Kant held the view that immoral actions are inherently wrong such as lying to people since if each person became a liar when it sited them, it would result in mistrust and miscommunication which undermines and frustrates individual goals.

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Hence, the economic and political environment should not favor some individuals at the expense of others. For instance, people should not be treated less because of their political or social affiliations, but they should be treated equally as guaranteed by the constitution. Kant does not only consider the morality and equality between the sexes but takes a larger perspective on issues that affect people in the entire society. However, Hegel argued that Kant’s morality was inherently all form but no content and argues that morality is a factor of historical and cultural beliefs and traditions. Marx’s understanding of human nature asserts that people are not only competitive but they are also social creatures that are unable to survive without working hand-in-hand with each other. As such, humans are by nature social beings that relied on mutual support provided by their respective social groups.

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Marx realized that various social dynamics and circumstances often influenced the development of different behavioral and psychological attributes as he states “the human essence is no abstraction inherent in each single individual. In its reality it is the ensemble of the social relations” (Marx 1867). However, the scope of potential human behavior has limitations that are attributable to biological and psychological factors. In view of the existing inequality systems, political institutions are in the hands of the people who benefit from inequality; therefore, widening the inequality problem and further alienating the lower classes by expanding the gap between the rich and poor in the community. Karl Marx strongly opposed the system of inequality since it exacerbated the alienated condition of workers that has continued to persist in society. Equality is not only a political notion but a social and economic one as well.

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Marx attempted to eliminate inequality in society through the establishment of various principles that are summarized in 10 points on social, economic and political equality in society (Marx 1867). Marx developed communist ideals that focused on eradication of social, economic and political inequity among the various classes in the community. Accssed 10 August 2018. Kant, Immanuel. An Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Purpose. Available at: http://www. marxists. Marx, Karl. The German Ideology Part A. Available at: https://www. marxists. org/archive/marx/works/1845/german-ideology/ch01a.

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