Letter to Diognetus essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

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The personality of Diognetus talked in the letter is unclear, though he might be someone of a certain rank as the acknowledgement addresses the person as His Excellency. Hollon (2007, 130) describes the results and meaning of salvation by trust in Christ, even if the name Jesus is stated. The Word or the Son is used to refer to Jesus Christ. According to Meecham (1943, 98), the letter defines the “difference between a non-Christian and a Christian. ” He as well gives a contrast of the Jewish faith by means of fulfillment of the very religion in Christianity and refers to the Jews as foolish as they remain to adhere to letter of law instead of living in freedom pay for by Son of God. The soul is the one bounded inside the body and the body is held composed in the same way the Christians are the ones held captive in the world just like in prison and the world is seized together (Hollon, 2005, p.

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That is a Christian’s delightful and lofty employed function in which he is allowed to excuse himself. There are various challenges which Diognetus faced in the culture of his day to their beliefs, both from within and without. From Hollon (2005, p. 131) point of view persecution seemed to be severe nevertheless were not by any way the only problem the early Christians experienced. Holmes notes that in every case, the concealed knowledge focused on the faith that the physical world is sinful nevertheless the souls of few chosen fight to escape. Furthermore, each group alleged that it single-handedly had the truth as they shunned other religions and other Gnostics, this appeared to be shadows of veracity. The beliefs of Gnostic came to church during the Apostles time, the letter to Diognetus in most cases opposed the teachings (Holmes, 2007, p.

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Every Gnostic vetoed the embodiment owing to their faith that the matter is evil. The challenge of sects and cults affected the Diognetus’ early Christianity. The leaders of the church affirmed the urgency of biblical revelation over successive private revelations. In subsequent years after execution of Jesus, various followers encountered an outlook of suffering a fierce death just as their Lord (Holmes, 2007, p. Religion was tolerated by the Roman Empire on condition that their devotees were prepared to sacrifice to the emperor. This was a test on loyalty. The Jews declined but since they were long recognized, were still accepted provided that they continued with their loyalty. The evangelical program has conventionally been centered on strong assurance to authority and knowledge of scripture.

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Many early Christians had no access to or limited access to counselling services. Specific mission organizations give access to specialized counseling which is generally limited and involves the counselors flying to precise place for short-term rigorous counseling or the missionaries deciding to come from the field and meet with the counsellor this increases chances of weekly connections. To solve this there was need for online third party counselling services such as Godspeed Resources. Such services offer missionary access to face-to-face and weekly counseling offered by qualified personnel. This method of choosing the right people in various positions of leadership has failed in churches today this is because the appointed leaders leave other people to do the work they were appointed to do for example you will not expect a conductor to come from the podium and play the guitar because he knows how to play the instrument.

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In conclusion, the Letter to Diogetus talks of the characteristic of ecclesial experience, portraying a Christian as pertinent irrespective of space or time. This letter is a significant source for discovering again the ecclesial specificity, largely regarding the intricate exchanges of the church and the context of the border. Dulles (1999, p. 36) believed that a Christian’s image just as the body and soul is not only privileged and expressive but also motivating. Christianity and the World in a Letter to Diognetus: Inferences for Contemporary Ecclesial Experience. Phronema, 27(1), pp. Dulles, A. C. In: A History of Apologetics. Wheaton: Crossway, pp. Hollon, B. Is the Epistle to Diognetus an apology? A Rhetorical Analysis. Journal of Communication & Religion, 29(1), pp. Holmes, M. The Christology of the Epistle to Diognetus.

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