Leveraging sponsorship case study

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:Marketing

Document 1

I will further, outline the objectives aiming at the amalgamation between Staz and NFL super bowl, I will also examine their local and specific levels of activities and examine challenges brought about by Staz’s hospitality. The goal of my readers is to discover the activities that were well executed by Staz in the course of drafting a solution for the brand’s activation effort (Shimp, 2013). Objectives Sponsorship markets have explored in a relatively short period of time. According to Cornwell (2008), sports accounts for approximately 87% of the sponsorship spending. Much of sponsorship market is comprised of promotional rights due to high exposure levels achieved by premier sporting events. The greatest challenges, however, include; noise and confusion which are usually brought by multiple brands. Ambush marketing is the greatest source of noise in the sport’s business.

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Ambush marketing aims at destroying the image or brand or another company. The intention of ambush is in line with ethical implications and its aim is to confuse the buying public. Utilization of social media Staz introduced tag promotion to brand Facebook followers at the beginning of every year. They should maintain their visibility on social media platform and improve the awareness of their products by leveraging more sponsorships and working closely with potential companies to boost the financial margin (Shimp, 2013). Ambush threat to Staz A lot of ambush marketing activities have been witnessed. Such ambushed were cognizant of Staz Company because their products and brands are recognized by many customers, marketing domain and institutions. The dominance of Staz product is as a result of a vigorous advertisement that their agencies have put in place to ensure constant promotion.

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It seems that ambush occurs more frequently in the NFL fanbase platform. Several companies have alleged to be sharing similar name as Staz and as result, the companies have managed to attract a broad customer base. As a result, Staz company were losing their branding imaging and consequently product branding. The competitors usually steal the name of Staz during the point of purchase in order to divert the attention of Staz customers to buy their products. This scenario happens when the being alleged competitor has no enough threshold to define the branding of its product and thus cannot compete to market a different company name for a similar product. Super bowl sponsorship According to me, a lot of consideration can be used to argue for and against delimitation of super bowl sponsorship.

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The value of advertisement for super bowl broadcast is a subject which cannot be hidden. The digital age has changed the value of the Super Bowl. It is no longer being watched TV. Many businesses would use the TV to launch their new products. But plenty of other business will consider other television networks for effective advertisements. Oxford University Press, 2009. Khan, G.  F.  Social media for government: A practical guide to understanding, implementing, and managing social media tools in the public sphere. Lamont, and Matthew James. Aicher.  Leveraging sponsorships to meet organizational marketing objectives: A case study of a consumer packaged good product with the super bowl. Shimp, T.  A. and J.

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