Life Review of an Older Person

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

The main objective of this study was to go through an improved version of “share your life story” review. The researcher also used various methods such as the use of a narrative literature review. The end results of the interview showed an escalation in positive images of the elderly and decreased perception of aging among the elderly people through the image of aging scale. Intergenerational procedure to be used in a larger scale study was advanced according to the research feedback. The researcher prepared interview questions its purpose being accessing the researcher’s familiarities with the program. I knew this would be the perfect type of weather to interview Mrs. Angelina, my boyfriend’s mother. Despite her old age, this would be an opportunity to gain insight on aging from older adults and to create a more intimate relationship since she was a mother of someone so close to me.

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Her life thoughts and story would be recorded. As we sat in the living room, Mrs. “How did you meet your spouse?” Mrs. Angelina, still with a smile planted on her face replied, “It was a typical Friday night and I had plans of meeting up with my friend at a restaurant. After having a dinner, my friend wanted a place where she could dance and so we chose a different place. A different kind of a man approached me as I was watching my friend do her thing on the sidelines. He was 6ft tall, energetic, his skin was chocolate in complexion and his voice was quite refined. “But the truth is, the best thing a person can do is to accept the challenges he/ she is likely to face and move on with life.

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It is important to live in peace with other people on earth. One of the challenges I faced during my life is that my best friend Aimee, suffered from brain tumor and because the chemotherapy was not doing any good to her, she decided to put a stop on the medications. She was pessimistic with life and constantly wished that death could take her. Few weeks later she passed away. “Autoimmune thrombocytopenia purpura is a rare disease disorder which is characterized by a low platelet count in the blood”. She continued, “as long as I can remember, I was hospitalized for two months trying to receive the necessary medications. I lacked a clotting factor in my blood and hence I could not stop bleeding in case I had a slight bruise on my body.

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A bone marrow transplant had to performed and I was a lucky person because I had a match. I am still on my medications to prevent the same disorder from re-occurring again”. Wow, this was brave and I think I will follow her steps because with no doubt, she was my role model. Her skin was still flawless despite her old age, wrinkle and acne free. I noticed all these outward appearances as she was talking. I asked about the fears of getting older and her response was, “ by the way, am not afraid at all of my old age because I have achieved a lot in this life”. She smiled. Coming from a poor background made me to put so much effort in accomplishing whatever I was supposed to do.

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I was also an active participant in teen and youth clubs. Being a leader in these clubs made me to spread awareness on the importance of living healthy lives and the need to stop drug addictions. By the way I was selected to participate in the leadership conference from our local church. ” Mrs. I miss them so much. They were disciplinarians too”. Time was really moving fast and we had to wind up our conversations. I asked her if she had another chance to do it again if she would change the way she raised her children. I was really surprised by her response. Application of the theory Interviews, audio recordings and taking notes from observations is an example of a qualitative data.

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In this case, interviews can be analyzed using various approaches. It is important after conducting interviews to organize one’s data imperative in generating an analysis. In this case, there is use of a Deductive Approach. I used a deductive approach involving data examination based on an organization which is predetermined by the researcher. The researcher then carries out analysis to look for patterns in the data and finally developing a theory that will explain that particular set of patterns in that data. Since it is a time-consuming method, it is regarded as its disadvantage. Thematic analysis is a theoretically flexible approach used to identify, analyze and in reporting patterns across the data. It is used in answering different research questions according to people’s perceptions and experiences (coolican, 2014).

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Its main purpose is in the identification of the patterns across a given set of data used to provide answers to the addressed research questions. I learnt that the older people are given the opportunity to reflect their life’s achievements as well as their disappointments. Life review is a highly individualistic process and I have learnt that the first stage of psychological stage among the elderly is the death awareness stage. The next stage involves our current connections to the present and past events. This is an important stage as we are able to pass our influences and knowledge to others. A lot of stereotypes of being aged exist and I think that this has led to people performing cosmetic surgery to fight off the aging appearance.

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