God bless you all. Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 2 FINDING AND ANALYSIS 4 CONCLUSION 9 REFERENCES 10 Introduction Physical evidence of services is the environment in which the service is delivered and where the firm and the customers in a resort interact. Physical evidence includes the services cape. The use of physical evidence is brought by that fact that services are intangible and customers do rely on tangible clues or physical evidence to evaluate the services of a resort before deciding whether to purchase and to assess the satisfaction level of the products before consumption and after. Services can be termed as that intangible and variable that is offered to customers. UK Essay, 2015) According to Rao he argued that the firm’s services have good innovation and capabilities of influencing the perception of the customers much better than the physical evidence.
In my opinion physical evidence plays a greater role in guiding the customer on which services he or she may want. The customer expectations come first before even accessing the service he or she seeks to have. The customer expectation will offer the way because if their expectations are met then the customer satisfaction will be very high and indeed he or she will be a frequent customer in that particular resort to get the services they received. Research done by Ada Lo, Corrine Wu and Henry Tsai have explained that “spa delivers quality services so that customers attains positive emotions to seek the same positive experience in the future time” (Ada etl, 2015). But according to Luisa, services firms use the physical evidence as a way of demonstrating their service quality.
Luisa, 2015) while another research by Marija and Ivana they said music is one of the physical evidence that manipulates customers. Marija & Ivana, 2017) This formed the base of going contrary to the research done by Watiki. An investigation done by Yator showed that the resorts and spa should consider services in a more vigorous approach as services have a huge influence on customer satisfaction. Yator , 2015) In my opinion the physical environment of the resort and spa used in the study have higher influences on customer satisfaction but rather not the services they offer to its customers. In my opinion the research can support the aspect that the does not support that the services are more important rather physical evidence according to Luisa research it had shown that the service firms uses the physical evidence to measure the customer satisfaction.
Luisa , 2015) According to a research study that was done by Ibrahim Giritlioglu to examine the measuring of foods and beverages service quality in Spa hotels showed that the key dimension for beverages and food service quality in spa hotels were identified and reliable instrument for measuring provision was developed ( Giritlioglu etl ,2014) ,in the study it has clearly shown that the managers should use the dimension for food and beverages as a way of providing better services. The research considered the perception of food and beverages in spa hotels and their expectations of the services quality of food and beverages services quality. Giritlioglu etl ,2014)In my opinion the research explained more of the services quality as a way of offering quality services to the customers and use of dimensions of the food and beverages.
Those dimensions are one of the characteristics of the physical evidence that is used to met the customers’ expectations. According to Faizan Ali research which was published in the journal of hotel and tourism management, showed that” better physical environment would help develop perceived image which will influence perceived customer value” (Faizan elt , 2013 )The study was recommended to the Malaysian resorts hotels to always consider physical evidence as the main aspect of marketing the firms and providing quality services to the customers. Faizan elt , 2013)In my opinion the researcher support physical evidence to be the cause effect of customer satisfaction and as a marketing tool. According to Heesup Han and Kisang Ryu they did a research concerning the roles of the physical environment ,price perception and customer satisfaction in determining customer loyalty in the tourism industry.
Han etl , 2009pp487-510)Their research showed that customers determines the prices ,image and the physical characteristics of the firm before receiving any service. Han etl, 2009pp487-510) In my opinion this goes line with supporting that the physical evidence of a resort increases the customer loyalty because they first checks the impression from the prices and physical environment of the industry even before receiving the services. In my opinions the willingness of the staff to offer services to them and the characteristics of the food services and other services offered in the resort influences the customer in a positive way. According to Asya Archakova said services must be determined by certain external and internal factors of the resort organization. Asya , 2013). In my opinion services offered could not effectively affect the customer satisfaction but the physical evidence that meets the customer, comparing this with the meaning of the physical evidence the factors determining services are the evidence factors like good environment, the smell, presentable of the food services and the space for instance in the product of lodging which are based on the clients expectations even before receiving the service needed.
CONCLUSION In conclusion the physical evidence in the resort weighs more important than the services for a positive emotion or the customer satisfaction. org/10. accessed on 23rd march 2018. Asya. A. Service quality and customer satisfaction. O. Muslim. A. physical environment, perceived value images and behavior intensions. Malaysian resorts. pp487-510 Luisa. C. Internationalization of entrepreneurial innovation in the global economy. LO. Wu. newtimes. co. rw/section/read/183956/ accessed on 23 rd march 2018. Suraiyat. R. com/essays/marketing/the-important-of-the-pysical-evidence-marketing-esssay. php accessed on 23 rd march 2014. Watiki. C. Service quality and customer satisfaction in Resorts in Kenya.
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