Marijuana Is Beneficial and Should Be Legalized
Document Type:Thesis
Subject Area:Philosophy
There is belief that smoking of any substance including marijuana has bad effect on the problem solving skills, increases the mental illness chances, and advance effect on memory and IQ. However, latest claims show that marijuana is beneficial and should be legalized since it free up the prisons, increases government revenue, reduces cost of war on drugs and can be used for medical purposes. Therefore this paper critically evaluate these arguments by utilizing rhetorical devices, fallacies and offers an approach on how a critical thinker should interpret and use the information available to make informed decisions or opinions. Legalization of Marijuana Over the years, legalizing marijuana has remained one of the most controversial issues around the globe. For instance, in the United States, a lot of debate has gone on for decades as to whether marijuana should be legalized in the country or not.
For instance, in Spain, smoking in grey areas is forbidden while it is totally legal in other countries like Uruguay. In countries like Spain the government as set aside private places for smoking. In the recent years, Canada has become the latest country to accept the use of marijuana for recreational purposes (Crockett, 2014). However, in other countries, the possession, use, and production of cannabis are illegal which attracts huge fines and a jail sentence. In the US, marijuana is solely used for medical purposes only, but at the federal level, it is illegal to smoke marijuana. Another supportive argument is that ever since mankind has known marijuana, there has never been any death that has reported due to marijuana overdose. Another supportive argument for the legalizing of marijuana is that it has over the years been used to alleviate a lot of medical conditions.
It is has proven to successfully relieve nausea which is extremely good for cancer patients suffering from nausea. It also helps individuals who have lost appetite due to diseases such as the HIV/AIDs. Additionally, it helps in relaxing muscle spasms and tension as well as chronic pain (Caulkins et al. Another alarming caution of the legalization of marijuana is that it would lead to enormous environmental and electric grid drain (Caulkins et al. Therefore, if marijuana is legalized the electric demands will also increase the needs for growing cannabis crops, lighting, and maintenance of temperature through the air conditioning systems that may consequently overwhelm the national electric grids. It is evident from the above discussion that, both sides have logical and concrete arguments on whether or not to legalize marijuana.
However, the fact remains that marijuana being illegal today has caused most governments a lot of jobs, money, and investment in pride in the war on drugs. Of course, there are main voices that need to be heard concerning the various counter-arguments about the legalization of marijuana, but unfortunately, most of them have been logically disproven. There is also use of hyperbole in several instances where opponents have exaggerated the impacts of marijuana to the extent that the government is running programs on TV using wrong information to scare the users (McGinty et al. There is the use of logos through statistical facts that have been used in the paper that solves any doubting concerns that the audience may have about legalizing marijuana. Despite the evidence presented by a renowned scientist about the medical use of marijuana, most governments as noted earlier have continued to sponsor scare tactics on TV and other social media platforms by using wrong or misleading information about marijuana in an effort to influence the views and opinions of their citizens.
Most governments have invested billions of dollars in the fighting the war on drugs specifically marijuana instead of spending money on other legalized agendas and development projects. There various personal and cultural biases that influence the way the audience interprets the situation on the legalization of marijuana. Coulson, C. C. Farber, C. Vesely, J. V. A. Barry, C. L. The emerging public discourse on state legalization of marijuana for recreational use in the US: Analysis of news media coverage, 2010–2014. Preventive medicine, 90, 114-120. For first time, Americans favor legalizing marijuana. Gallup Politics.
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