Market plan development

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

Due to the increasing number of retirees in the company, the company has decided to expand its services to a neighboring city. This action is meant to ensure that the company continues to offer affordable services and the employment of the new staff will not be a major issue affecting the company. The earlier treads of the company have been operating in a limited area or city. The historical trends of the company will be used in the marketing plan to determine the effects that lack of expansion has been causing to the company and the effects the new strategy would bring. Also, it would create a comfortable start for the new expansion being able to determine what should be included and what should not be included thus creating a better new market plan.

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If the population is low, the company will not need to invest a huge amount of capital as to when the population is more. Quality standards At this level, the plan will be measuring the kind of the services the business has been offering before and the new set of standards that the company is set to operate at in its new location. The earlier standards will enable the company to determine the improvement that is required thus making then new services better than those that used to exist. Also, standards of operation also come with the determination of the equipment that the company has been using and the services that they have been offering (Westwood, 2018). Therefore, the quality standards level will be used to determine the types of equipment’s that the company will be using, the efficiency that they will help in improving on among others.

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This section is of great importance to the marketing plan as it will help in developing the ways in which the aged can be able to identify the company. The company may have best service skills, technology for services among others but without the better way of approaching the targeted market, the company would result to failure since it does not have enough people to offer services to which also shows lack of generation of profit. The section will be used to get the company to understand its audience before getting into the business. Also, it will enable the company to plan on ways in which it will use to focus on its audience. This will be better for the serviced provision.

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The setting of expectation will be based on the SWOT analysis thus being able to determine to what level the company can be able to perform. Generally, the section will be used in the marketing plan to set the target for the market toward which the company is set to undertake. Implementing the plan, proven best practices for implementing This section will be used in the marketing plan to organize on how the marketing plan details and the firm will be organized. This kind of organization will be determined by how the services will be offered, the location of the firm, the type of customers that the company will be dealing with among others. It will also be used to indicate where decision-making authority will rest within the marketing unit (Ford, 2015).

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