Math disability article analysis

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Mathematics

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There are many teaching techniques that teachers can use to ensure students understand different concepts and be successful in school and later in the future. Thesis – Students who are disabled should not be taught using traditional teaching techniques since there are advanced teaching methods that can equip them with critical thinking and problem-solving skills which are critical in improving their concepts understanding. The following paper will evaluate different tests done on students with learning problems and determine the best teaching and learning techniques. This research will enable teachers to be able to help students with learning disabilities understand concepts, pass their examinations, and be successful in future. Literature Review Self-Regulated Math Instructions Article Self-regulated math instructions for pupils with learning disabilities by Saied Bishara, published by Cogent Educational, compared how two teaching techniques affected students’ understanding of math concepts.

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The article recommends that all elementary schools and schools with students with learning disabilities to use the self-regulated technique in teaching because it will help the students understand concepts easily. Analysis Saied’s article equips the readers with knowledge that enables them to realize that teaching techniques can influence how students understand concepts. After the author compared two teaching tactics which are self-regulating and traditional teaching tactics, he concluded that the self-regulating tactic is more effective in teaching math to students with learning disabilities. At high school, some teachers teaching use techniques which makes make most students like them more than they like other teachers. Students also pass exams of subjects taught by teachers they like. This study may not apply to students who do not have learning disabilities since they may understand math concepts easily using traditional teaching techniques.

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The study examined the effect of self-regulated teaching method on students with a learning disability but not all types of students. This method needs to be studied further before eliminating the traditional teaching method and replacing it with the self-regulated method. Blended Instructional Models on Math Performance Article This study aimed to differentiate the effects of two teaching techniques to determine which is the best to teach math to disabled students. The teaching techniques included business as usual (BAU) technique and enhanced anchored instruction (EAI) technique. Analysis This study was interesting since it did not use any common sample of students. It is not easy to carry out a test using disabled middle school students. The study proved that business as usual technique in teaching math is not effective especially when needing special education students to understand complex math problems.

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The study’s results confirmed that EAI teaching technique is the best since it gives students critical thinking skills that are critical in math. BAU technique can be termed as the traditional method of teaching since it is accepted nationally, and it is accepted by the department of education. This study was different from the previous two studies since it did not consider classroom work; it dealt with homework. The study did not use students with disabilities but students who had many chances of failing academically. The sample population of this study included five 8th and 9th-grade students ranging 14 to 15 years of age, and two of them were boys while three were girls. Past studies focusing on homework have concluded that homework offer benefits to students’ achievement. Those students who experienced academic problems like failing in exams in junior high school often showed poor homework performance.

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This study also concentrated on math; hence this study cannot be implemented on improving students’ performance on other subjects. This study should also be advanced to determine if CBC can be used to improve other subjects’ homework performance. According to the study, homework is very critical in ensuring students understand math. Homework is mostly given in all subjects hence it is also vital in other subjects. This shows that if parents and teachers are involved in all subjects, a student is likely to improve academically. The techniques they tested included; self-regulating teaching, conjoint behavioral consultation, and enhanced anchored instruction. All the studies concentrated on testing new learning techniques effectiveness compared to conventional or traditional techniques. For instance, parents typically do not involve themselves in helping students with homework, and there is a curriculum set for all students nationwide.

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The studies were done on both female and male students, and no great effect was a result of gender difference meaning that all students are equal. This study is crucial in ensuring teachers, parents, and guardians offer intervention and support to students with learning disabilities. Assumptions The studies assumed that in students with special cases, these traditional techniques are not adequate to them hence making them continue failing in school. Also, students who are disabled or likely to fail should not be taught like other students. They should be given a little more attention to ensure that education benefits them. The last assumption was that the students can also hate school because they feel they do not belong since they always fail, but the mistake is with the teachers and parents who do not use the right techniques to educate them.

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Strengths The studies have contributed a lot to the development of education worldwide since they have created an interest in determining the best methods to teach a different type of students. The articles aimed at determining the best methods to teach students who do not understand concepts like normal students. The articles defined students with learning disabilities as students with processing challenges that are neurologically-based. Teachers are always concerned about their primary responsibility of teaching and assessing students based on classes but not individuals. The articles advise teachers to help students individually because not all students are the same. The authors concluded that students with learning disabilities should be taught using special teaching methods that can help them think critically and understand concepts easily. Self-regulated math instructions for pupils with learning disabilities.

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 Cogent Education, 3(1), 1262306. Bottge, B. A. Ma, X. Sheridan, S. M. Jenson, W. R. The effects of conjoint behavioral consultation and a structured homework program on math completion and accuracy in junior high students.

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