Metoo movement in china
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:History
The current blocking of the MeToo movement in real life and online platforms is another step that had been taken by the government to ensure that women in China remain subjective to the male gender. The government pressure to suppress women had been faced with challenges because the women voice is rising despite the very many means beings used to silence them. MeToo movement is, therefore, gaining strength being aided by China literate women who have recently been receiving critical support from university students, human rights lawyers, activists in labor organizations, and the majority of the activists who are women. MeToo movement had recently set new consciousness among women in China and hence setting a revolution aimed at creating awareness for gender equality to give women a respected place in the society.
MeToo movement originated from the sparkles of the African American civil rights activists in 2007. The social platform led by Lu Pin had been a controversial one in addressing the plight of women in China while basing on the state of other women across the globe. In addition to these, the government burnt the WeChat account, but the force of the movement is unstoppable. The action kept sensitizing women across various provinces in the country. The validity of the work is seen by its resilient progress to address women issues in the campuses and the non-governmental organizations as well as in the media platforms once more. The crackdown of media platforms by the government is censorship aimed at eradicating channels used by women to unite and advance the femininity. In this case, campus students have initiated their MeToo groupings without the need of women activists and human rights groups to facilitate the same.
The young women actively group themselves to reveal the discrimination that is sometimes seen in the education ministry in the country. Lack of proportionate rooms for resting among males and females in Chinese campuses prompts campus activists to begin their journey of calling for gender equality in the university. The MeToo movements in America have been encouraging the young female activists on Chinese campuses because of the way the students are treated on campuses. MeToo in China campuses in 2018 had been criticized after one lady was harassed sexually by a university lecturer. Literature suggests that revolutions have historically been developed in the Chinese campuses such as in 1949 and 1989 which had a communist movement and the Tiananmen massacre respectively. These movements had been established in the universities with the intention of changing the structure of the society that had been patriarchal for since time immemorial.
In comparison to other feminist movements in China, the MeToo movement is pervasive and very sensitive, and hence it will be challenging for the government to eradicate the movement. The modern feminist movement, therefore, resonates with approximately half of the population in China and hence blocking all the social media accounts would certainly not be an efficient way for the government to wipe out the whole idea of women feminism in the country. The movement is very transformative and comprises of women from all sectors, and the existence of the human rights commissions across the globe gives them strength to call for their rights in education and the public sector. Furthermore, the developers of women feminist movements have been journalists and media persons, and hence they have extensive knowledge of technology to assist the views of their fellow women to be heard across the globe and not only in the Chinese society.
The use of technology helps in the organization of the movement and spreading the news to all women across the country. Any emerging activities are easily discussed with the help of the technology and further address the aspect of anti-sexual harassment modes in the country. When articles are released without the censorship programs of the government, it reaches to a large number of women hence sensitizing them of the actual issues that are emerging in the rural and urban areas as well as in the factories. However, there are various challenges when using technology because not all women can access it and especially those in the rural areas of the country. According to women activists, the state seemed to focus only women taking care of the children and not being involved other political, social and economic matters.
The feminist movements in America are far different from those in China because America allows women to air their views. The likes of Hillary Clinton search for presidency shows that women in America are now much better and have space and voice than those in China. The patriarchal system of the society is holding China back because it intends to control the population, but it is forced to let women produce more children and getting subjected to male leadership. Women are therefore seen to be just creative tools of the state, and consequently, they cannot be given room for advancement other than in the family level. The help of human rights organizations needs to take action by emphasizing to the Chinese authorities to give room for women to be actively involved in the social, political and economic platforms across the country.
The fact that China minds a lot about her global image will also help enforcement agencies to address the rights of women in the country to ensure gender balance and gender equality in all sectors in the Chinese government. Bibliography 1. Feminist Voices In China: From #Metoo To Censorship". Council On Foreign Relations. NAFEO Roundtable Addresses# MeToo Movement on HBCU Campuses. Diverse Issues in Higher Education 35, no. pp6-27. Ukmar, Victor. Sentenced by the court of Social Media-A qualitative analysis of informal justice-related social media mechanisms within the# MeToo- movement.
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