Military culture Research Paper

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Religion

Document 1

A researcher should well understand the military culture and their community factors at large so that they can be able to provide a supportive environment to help them in psychological development and achieving the military competency. However the military families should be optimistic and patient in order to cope and support their loved ones while they are serving the country. They undergo traumatic experiences especially when their loved ones have to be away for even a year or when they are in war. This paper seeks to discuss the role of the military culture to the military members themselves and their families. Review Summary According to Suzuki and Kawakami around 56 percent of the service members are married and most of them marry their fellow service members (Suzuki, M.

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With the media coverage on the war events the families of the service members develop emotional depression especially children when they see their loved ones in the act of war. Small children react by becoming more irritable, unresponsive, eating problems, sleep disruption and moments of crying, the adolescents become angry, act out and lose interest in their daily activities while the grown-ups especially the pregnant mothers often develop stress thus increasing the risk of medical complications during pregnancy, others become restless, develop chronic back pain, obesity, asthma hypertension and continuous migraines. Often there’s an increase in cases of domestic violence child neglect, child abuse and physical abuse during or after deployment and this poses a risk of the military persons not connecting well with their families after they have been a traumatic brain surgery or even posttraumatic stress.

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The main role of a military is war fighting, however their community is fully functional since they take up different occupations such as teachers, medical doctors, cooks, and mechanics while others offer humanitarian services such as supplying different necessities such as medical or disaster management, among others. The highest number of the military with occupational careers support the military community especially those who are serving and returning from the combat mission. They still uphold a strong ideology of serving others even in the civilian life as their part of life just as it is in the military. However the support programmers should be established to ensure they assist them to transition to the civilian life and develop psychologically. They experience enormous transitions when they join the military and again when they leave the military life.

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Members have must have a conscious thinking and norms and thus it seems difficult for them to pursue freedom in thinking as civilians. Discussion of the Findings When the military people return from deployment programs that separate them from their families, they have a challenge of adapting back to the society. According to the research the families of the service members and their families undergo some psychological trauma during deployment of their loved ones. Their families have to manage a cumulative stress of separating with their loved ones for long periods when they go for wars or missions to restore the country’s peace. Mostly the children are very affected by separation from loved ones, they manage some stress when they see off their parents since they might come back injured or might not return at all.

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