Models Used to Explain Mental Distress and the Conflict They Generate

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Literature

Document 1

The disease model identifies the presence of mental illness through scientific objectivity. Clinical syndromes are broken down into diagnoses which are determined through symptoms. Usually, these symptoms and clinical syndromes are only understood by those who know that field. Qualified practitioners can only administer the treatment according to disease theorists. Some of the treatment includes medicines, electroconvulsive therapy, and positron emission tomography. Primarily, human development theorists focus on a person’s early experiences and their impact on their adult life. Critiques argue that the approach puts a lot of emphasis on psychological factors while disregarding biological and genetic factors which contribute to mental disorders (Iain & Ian, 2004). The behavioral model is based on the learning theory. The model describes symptoms as learned habits that arise due to the interaction between stressors/external events and individuals personality.

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The behaviorist considers these symptoms and their related behaviors as mental disorders. Symptoms and behaviors in this model are explained from the context of the society from where they emanate. The social model has been criticized for rejecting the medicalized individual model in explaining mental disorders (Beresford, 2005). Discuss the experiences and impact of mental disorder on individuals, careers, families groups, and society. (500 words) Mental disorders have profound effects on an individual’s quality of life, economic productivity and social well-being (World Health Organization, 2003). Mental disorders during childhood can affect an individual’s economic well-being in their adult life mainly because of education disruptions. They may also face rejection from friends and relatives which may lead to a sense of isolation. As a result, the family may be excluded from participating in social activities.

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Among occupational groups, mental disorders have been cited as a reason for decreased productivity at work. Absenteeism from work is a significant concern with psychiatric disorders being a substantial cause for work loss days. Also, even without taking sick leave, mental disorders have a substantial impact on the level of productivity and performance (World Health Organization, 2002). In the United States, 1. 6% was estimated to be victims of depression (World Health Organization, 2003). Further, employees who suffered depression were likely to be disabled almost twice the rate of people without depression. Qn 3. Analyze the causes of stigma and the impact of social exclusions and its effect on recovery for individuals with mental ill health. The media and entertainment industry have also played an enormous role in shaping public opinions and attitudes towards sick mentally individuals by depicting them as dangerous and violent (Canadian Mental Health Association).

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Social exclusion happens when an individual does not participate in the core activities of the society that he/she lives. It may be linked to problems such as low incomes, unemployment, inadequate housing, family breakdown, and discrimination. Social exclusion has been identified as a significant contributor to and consequence of mental health conditions. Everybody can be a victim of mental health illnesses, but those from deprived backgrounds have a higher risk. The common types of discrimination include individual discrimination and structural discrimination. These forms of discrimination may result in a loss of confidence in the individual’s capabilities and may ultimately lead to loss of interest in applying for jobs. They may also lose interest in participating in other aspects of social and civic life.

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