Mortality of Soul

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

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The idea of death and what happens after one dies disturbs everyone. There is no prove if the idea of immortality of the soul is true or false. I am trying to assume that it was on TV that scientists had found strong prove that the soul is immortal. This will highly affect me and society as well. The first impression is that everybody would be happy but then miseries and sorrow would follow. We would be sure that we are moving to another stage and so no worries. We would also be sure to see the loved once even after they die. We would be sure we are moving to somewhere and we will find the when we die. That sounds cool. We would not be crying in burials. Most people are not happy with the lives they are living.

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Imagine we don’t know what happens after you die and people still kill themselves. What about if they were sure they will die and live at another level? Death would become less threatening and this would likely increase suicide. People would also not struggle to have better lives. We always work hard because we have limited time and after that, that is. Death is genuine, and it stands up to us on the news and in our families and in our future. Furthermore, on the grounds that we fear demise, we attempt to divert ourselves with TV or web-based social networking or sex or liquor or medications or fill-in-the-clear. The fear of death makes us cling to religion in hope of resurrection and eternal life to avoid death. We want to live forever and no one wants his/her soul stopping to exist.

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If there could be prove that the soul is mortal, people would stop religious activities. People would love to face it, feel that they are there. They would like to feel how it will feel when they die. Aristotle gave us a critical philosophical guideline when he stated, "A power without the likelihood of reality demolishes nature. The presence of oak seeds requires the presence of oak trees. It isn't that every individual oak seed will be completed and turned into an oak tree. Keep in mind? The individual "tree" will die, yet not the "shape" or "thought" of tree that man alone has among animals of earth. From this information of the interminable springs an unconstrained want to live until the end of time. What's more, this intensity can't exist futile.

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That would be in opposition to all that we find in nature. I also feel that the society would turn evil. If I am sick, I don’t care I get healed. After all, I just need nothing. If I die I will still live. A life that will never end. I would not be happy leaving. It is likewise the certainty of death that gives life reason and shape, the very reality that we have a constrained life expectancy rouses individual through a feeling of direness to invest their energy doing those things that contribute meaning and advance their lives which would perpetually be postponed with unavoidable outcomes with an interminable life. Without death there would be no such thing as forfeit, putting a labor of love into something, valor and bravery, we would need gratefulness for our reality, life would not be as genuine or significant.

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I accept there to be an imaginative need about kicking the bucket similarly a photo has a casing, one can't envision an unending painting, or a play has a shape and a last drapery, one can't envision a play going on for eternity. Why grab for some strange domain for which we are not legitimately prepared to work in? In spite of the fact that I have contended that eternality is awful, it is not necessarily the case that it really is ideal that that we bite the dust when we do, as per every single above contention one can in any case believe that we pass on too early.

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