Nikki Case Study

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Health Care

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To understand her development all from her childhood psychodynamic perspective shall be used to explain what she went through. Nikki was forced into early sex at that tender age. This paper will also explain why some of the approaches such as the Humanistic approach were ever used. In development theories explaining her development since she was a child also the Erikson’s sates of development shall be used to explain some of the stages, she went through all her life. Critical parts of the stages shall be highlighted to explain what might have caused her current developmental stage in life. This means that she was assaulted while young and much of the behavior she is revealing currently may be as a result of the treatment she received while young.

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According to the psychodynamic perspective, some of the activities people do during their childhood may have an impact on them while they are grown up. Childhood experience determines the majority of people behaviors. Much of what Nikki is going through now may because of what she went through a long time ago while at her tender age. Currently, she is seen to be involved with an older man who is older than her. It offers to expand the methods of inquiring the study of the human behavior of this case it is not aimed at studying the case of Nikki. Finally, it offers a broader effective method of professional psychotherapy that might be able to help Nikki come out of her experience and feel just like any other being.

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All the other psychological perspective do not focus on what one used to experience when they were young. For this case are informed of what Nikki used to go through while she was young and what she is going through now. The selected sociological themes of the special model of health and wellbeing which mainly wants to see if Nikki was connected to anyone in the society while she was growing up. The “id” has two instincts that involve self- preservation, and sex that can be fuel by "libido and the "Thanatos" which has lee power compared to the “Eros” make us feel aggressed towards others. ”Thanatos" is regarded as the death instincts and Nikki may have heard this component whenever she wanted to kill herself for feeling lonely and misunderstood.

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Some of the experiences that Nikki went through for instance the suffering she is going through currently is because her mother neglected her while she was young thus she did not have that capability of getting a good education and thus work. Freud came up with the psychosexual stage model that argues; people progress through sequential developmental stages which are usually unique to its sexual gratification. Nikki had an experience of sex while at the age of 8 and 14 which seems to be a too early stage for a child to experience sex. Just like Freud Erik indicated that development takes place in a predetermined order. Each stage might have a psychosocial crisis that might affect an outcome either positively or negatively in the development of one’s personal (Newman & Newman, 48).

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Successful completion of each theory means that one has achieved a positive personality and acquired basic virtues. In this section, one will be able to see if Nikki was able to acquire some of the virtue positively or negatively. The first stage is Trust vs. Guilt. Here the child is provided with a chance to acquire a sense of creativity for them to feel secure and can lead others (Cherry, 87). Nikki did never have this form of opportunity in her childhood as her mother neglected her. She was never successful at this stage and never developed the virtue of purpose. The fourth stage entails industry vs. It is the stage children need to explore by themselves, but for her, someone took advantage of her due to her mother neglect.

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Now she becomes even more confused about themselves and the place they have in society. The sixth stage of intimacy and isolation at the final stage as indicated in the case of Nikki. This is the stage where one gets to fall in love with someone. To be successful at this stage, one ought to be happy to have some sense of commitment (Cherry, 88). The next stage is acting, coming up with a decision is not all, but acting is the same thing as making any form of change (Prochaska & Norcross, 58). After that, she also needs to maintain the changed behavior but cutting down all the addictive behavior such as drinking alcohol in the case of Nikki. Social isolation This is considered to be a situation where one has a comprehensive or near complete lack of interaction between someone and the society (Shankar et al.

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Many people confuse it with loneliness where one lack contact with other humans. However, social isolation is a little bit different since it entails a complete lack of communication between an individual and the society. Being discriminated against will make someone struggle to do what they usually do for them to survive despite facing the challenges and how they are feeling. Nikki has been fighting for her to stay in work due to her mental health and her lifestyle. Her lifestyle has honed to an extent she in drugs. Risk factors Risk factors may be some of the challenges one may be experiencing that may be making someone vulnerable to any victims of crime, abuse, and neglect (Klem et al. Nikki is one of the victims that have some of the risk factors in life.

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To evade this risk, Nikki should find real friends in her life and be able to connect with them. Being connected with friends gives one sole purpose of life and meaning. If one has friends and family, they can celebrate and commiserate with, and they can feel part of the community. Drug and alcohol are also one of the risk factors Nikki is experiencing. She has been engaged in drinking alcohol to help her cope up with the situation she is in. She needs to know that she is on her own and she can be the boss of her life. One thing she should move out ifs from the abusive relationship she is now and be on her own. She can find a job and start to live her own life.

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