Noise-induced hearing loss in the workplace and its control measures

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

The extent and severity of damage caused by noise with regard to hearing loss depend on the pitch, the noise intensity and the exposure time. However, there is a significant relationship between the exposure time and the loudness of the noise with regard to the amount of damage causing hearing loss (Dobie, 2018). For instance, exposure to an extremely loud noise required only a short span of time before the damage is recorded whereas more time may be required for any considerable damage results for a person exposed to a relatively little amount of noise. The consequences of noise-induced hearing loss can be realized immediately or after a considerable length of time and can also be permanent or permanent and it can either cause damage to one of the ears or both of them.

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It is difficult to notice the symptoms of hearing loss especially for a long term exposure to noise but gradual inability to hear effectively may result in the future such as not easily understanding other people when they talk especially in a noisy room or over the phone. Therefore, the most applicable rule in protecting an individual’s hearing is to avoid too loud noises which are too close and that lasts for a longer time. Understanding the concept of the human hearing system is an important aspect of the causes of induced hearing loss. "Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. " is a journal published on 14 Dec 2019 by National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders to give an overview of how hearing loss takes place.

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The author begins by describing how hearing takes place and according to the journal, the human ear is composed of three main portions, that is, the inner, middle, and the outer ear. Factors Causing Hearing Loss in the Workplace  Depending on the activities in a workplace, noise levels differ from one workstation to another and it is important for employers to provide optimum working conditions for employees that are safe and sound to their health. The author of the article, "Protect Yourself from Noise-Induced Hearing Loss," looks into the factors that cause hearing loss at the workplaces and how this can be controlled. According to the article, providing a quiet working environment is one of the ways to ensure that workers are comfortable while working and their health is not compromised in any way.

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However, statistics show that millions of workers work in stations on a daily basis that exposes them to dangerous levels of noise. A number of factors are responsible for hearing loss and the main factor is the noise produced by machinery ("Protect Yourself from Noise-Induced Hearing Loss," n. Therefore, such operators need to have a proper hearing ability so as to be able to detect such malfunctions. In addition, good hearing is very important as it helps workers to avoid accidents as well as minimizes chances of serious injuries. Researchers have established in their studies that workers operating in high noise environments are more vulnerable to accidents and are less productive in comparison to their counterparts working in less noisy environments.

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In other studies, high level of noise has been associated with worker fatigue, stress, and post-irritability while other studies have linked noise to increased blood pressure. Despite the fact that workers in any field are likely to encounter high noise levels, some industries are associated with the greater danger of noise-induced hearing loss like construction, transportation, mining, manufacturing, agriculture, and military than others. These can help significantly to differentiate between harmful and safe noise. Conclusion As illustrated in the text above, hearing can be influenced greatly in a wide range of day to day activities and calls for special; attention in order to mitigate the risks of noise-induced hearing loss. Implementation of appropriate steps is one of the most practical ways of protecting hearing especially at workplaces.

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