Nursing Care Models

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Computer Science

Document 1

These models have undergone some changes and have helped identify and explain nursing care. In Finkelman (2016), the nursing care model that was discussed was the Case Management Model. The article explains that the nursing profession requires nurses to have the autonomy to make daily decisions concerning patient care and policy development. Moreover, it explains that nurses should consult with other nurses and other medical professionals in order to deliver proper health care. Additionally, nurses should be responsible for their actions, a virtue that requires them to act effectively and diligently to promote efficiency. Accountability, responsibility, and autonomy are key assessment tools for any nursing model, and this nursing care model describes all the characteristics that should be practiced in the nursing profession. The aim of this model is to center healthcare to patients and target to reach patient health outcomes.

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Case Management Model A study to evaluate Case Management effectiveness for patients who are at risk of serious health problems in primary care was done (Stokes et al. The article that the aged suffer morbidity and have stressed the healthcare systems. The article aimed to identify patients who are at risk of being hospitalized and to deliver case management targeting the patients’ medical problems, to improve patients’ outcomes, and reduce admissions. This was compared with other treatment forms that were non-case management. According to the study, dementia has high prevalence and case management has been rated among the best intervention approach to manage chronic diseases like dementia. The care delivery is mostly individualized with the goal of offering sustainable solutions and care for patients having dementia. This was a systemic review of articles up to 2013 December 31st.

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Thirteen RCTs that involved 9615 participants that had dementia were reviewed. The article explains that patient involvement with healthcare professionals is required for proper healthcare delivery. An SDM method requires patients to make decisions concerning their health with assistance from nurses. SDM has expanded to accommodate inter-professional perspective in healthcare delivery. The articles theoretically assessed conceptual models that use an inter-professional method to SDM and discussed every model’s importance in nursing practice. The article used Avant and Walker’s theory. Moreover, the case managers work with other team members who are medical practitioners such as physicians and nurses to facilitate the achievement of patient outcomes and promote an increase in responsibility and accountability. Case management is implemented for specific medical or social situations, and the definition of the case management depends on the settings.

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For example, case management approach can be used to assess and treat patients who are at high risk for medical complications in primary health care. Patients with dementia require proper management approach, and one of the best methods is case management at the patient’s home. Case management has been shown to improve both the patient and caregiver life quality, reduce medical costs, and promote patient satisfaction. I would recommend this model because it reflects a more comprehensive, realistic, and recent development of how nurses can promote patients’ well-being and satisfaction by simply ensuring that the nurse competencies are in line with patients’ characteristics and needs. Conclusion Nursing models were developed a long time and have been improved with time. The oldest model is Total Patient Care Model that did not cover every aspect of healthcare.

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Improvement s were done and newer models have been peer-reviewed and have shown superiority over the previous one. Nursing care models have been developed to support nursing practice. N. King, J. A. Chioreso, C. A scoping review of interprofessional collaborative practice and education using the lens of the Triple Aim. Squires, J. E. Carroll, S. Shared Decision-Making Models Acknowledging an Interprofessional Approach: A Theory Analysis to Inform Nursing Practice. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice. org/10. CD008345. pub2 Stokes, J. Panagioti, M. Alam, R.

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Document 2

Nursing care models refer to the systematic approaches through which staff nurses are allocated patients to provide care for within the nursing care settings. Nursing care models differ from facility to another and are determined by organization’s leadership beliefs, staff availability and ability to recruit and retain them and the available evidence on the effectiveness of the different care models. Observed model The model of nursing care delivery that was observed at the home care was team nursing. The care approach had three patient care groups each consisting of a registered nurse who led a team of other care providers, licensed vocational nurses and personal care aides and home health aides. Each group was allocated a number of patients for whom they coordinated to provide total patient care. Team nursing model of nursing care delivery has been used with success in other patient-care areas such as in the acute care area.

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The model according to has demonstrated to have a high success compared to other models of care such as the primary care model of nursing (Zimbudzi, 2013). In the delivery of team nursing, there are groups of nurses who provide care to the patients in teams which enhance skill and knowledge development. Zimbudzi, (2013) argues that communication between the members of the care teams is critical in ensuring that the delivery of care by the nursing teams. Communication by the nursing care team members ought to be coordinated to ensure there is proper communication between the team members. in a systematic review, posits that the role of a nurse navigator in the delivery of nursing care services is improved the patient satisfaction of care provided. The level of patient satisfaction through the use of patient navigators is demonstrated more so in the minority populations and populations with low-incomes who are often affected by high health disparities.

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Patient satisfaction enhancement is demonstrated by the improved rates of patient screening, improved care continuity and lowered patient anxiety (Ranaghan et al. Although the research notes that the evidence on the level of patient satisfaction was little, it does indicate a likely benefit of having patient navigators in enhancing the quality of patient care. The study indicated the need for a role allocation to identify the possible pre-qualifications of nurses to take up roles as patient navigators to enhance the patient satisfaction levels derived from the approach (Ranaghan et al. Recommended model The inter-professional care model is a model that incorporates all professionals relevant to the provision of patient care in a team that collaborates to design and implement patient care. I would recommend for the use of an inter-professional team approach in enhancing delivery of patient care at the home care.

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The inter-professional team in the home care settings ought to include, the nurses at all levels, physicians, and consultants when available or on call at the facility, nutritionists, patient counselors, physical therapists and the pharmacists (van Dongen et al. Inter-professional teams in the home care settings would be beneficial as it will provide the patients at the center with holistic patient care interventions that will cover the patient health needs holistically ensuring that all patient needs are met in a holistic manner (van Dongen et al. Through the inter-professional team approach, there will be improved patient care delivery through the involvement of other care teams and it will ensure that service delivery is better coordinated between all the cadres of the health care providers. References Cioffi, J. Ferguson Am, L. Team nursing in acute care settings: Nurses’ experiences.

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 Contemporary Nurse, 33(1), 2-12. doi. Ranaghan, C. Boyle, K. Meehan, M. Moustapha, S. Fraser, P. Beurskens, A. Interprofessional collaboration regarding patients’ care plans in primary care: a focus group study into influential factors.  BMC Family Practice, 17(1). doi. org/10.

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