Obesity in International students research

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Health Care

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In any case, close to this there is no proper definition of healthy food. Life in the university is entirely different from the one at home especially with regards to food and eating habits. The research underlines the ambiguity in awareness, knowledge and prudent consumption behavior amongst the international students. It gives a merging proof of a direct and a casual link between the food that is marketed and the behavioral role in healthy diets. Currently, Twenty five international students residing in the university took part in the research. The current obesity level is below five per cent in Japan, China and some African countries. According to Sorensen (2012), the obesity threat functions have been used to define obesity as well as an excess stockpiling of fat in the physique to such a degree that it fastens health problems that prompts mortality or even morbidity.

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The risk factors for obesity among the university students may include different perpetual illness for instance diabetes, cardiovascular diseases dyslipidemia and hypertension (Franken & Katelin, 2011), insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome or osteoarthritis (Alford et al, 2017), skin issues for instance poor injury healing, uneasiness and low confidence that is characterized by poor education performance and low morale in life (Alford et al, 2017). The condition may cause system incapacity and may cause unexpected death since it advances gradually with the above stated dangerous effects and the people affected seldom notice when they are getting obese. According to Kumah and Osae (2015), there are few components related to obesity and the speed which it builds up, for instance, environmental elements, social, economic factors, hereditary factors, medical conditions, lifestyle habits and demographic factors. The design of the research was a vivid cross-sectional investigation conducted at the Kaplan International College London from January 1, 2018, to May 30, 2018.

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It included the administration of a structured questionnaire to international students to students to find out the obesity determinants for the international students. Sampling that was convenient was conducted by looking at the areas where international students assemble and mingle. Consent was sought from that student who took part in the research, and the students who agreed to be given a questionnaire to answer, and their body mass index was calculated from their body weight and height. The research was carried out in Kaplan International College London where 25 fulltime international students were interviewed. The permission to carry out the research was sought from the research and development office. One the go-ahead was guaranteed by the office of R & D written agreement was sought from the international scholars, and the data that was collected was safely secured in a computer to guarantee the confidentiality and anonymity of the participants.

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The information that was obtained was only accessible to the researcher, tutor and the course planner. Findings A cumulative total of 25 questionnaires were given back from a cumulative of twenty five that were circulated. This was a return response of one hundred per cent. In similar research that was undertaken by Aleiya and Niemba, the prevalence of obesity was found to be 11%. The high incidence of obesity and overweight in international students could be because some of them are from upper middle-class families. Some of the international students are however allocated allowances for food and other basic needs. The finding of this research is congruent to previous research by other scholars that have found out an average prevalence of obesity and overweight of 35% among the international students. Pelzer and pengpid (2014) concluded that overweight and obese international students were thirty-seven per cent.

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Most of the respondents ate meals that were rich in starch. The research is agreement with that which was done by Issa (2015), the high obesity prevalence may be due to international students having lack of balanced diet and depend more on meals that are rich in carbohydrates which are the source of fat dispositions. An increased intake of carbohydrates in the meals they take is the primary source of fat and may be evident the nutritional characteristics of the meals for international students. This is in agreement with earlier findings that concluded that international students living away from their families are defined by some bad practices that impact their health lifestyles (Hall, 2018). A notable reduction in the intake of fresh and cooked vegetables, fruits and seafood and pulses cumulative with high consumption of sugar is the primary dietary ups and downs that have been reported for the international student that live away from their families.

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In most cases, the sugary drinks represent a major source of calorie consumption in this demographics. The adults that are young consume in excess of twenty percent from sugary drinks that are mainly fruit drinks and sodas. With regards to the genetics of obesity, there was no relationship between obesity and ancestral obesity history. The research done was an evident that obesity and overweight among the international students with family history of obesity were more prevalent to gain weight as compared to students who reported no family history for ancestral obesity. Conclusion Finally, obesity and overweight are an issue for the international students. rd ed. New York: The Guilford Press, pp. Bryman, A. and Bell, E. Business research methods. j. cardfail. Creswell, J. W. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches.

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Itani, L. El Ali, Z. Obesity risk factors among Beirut Arab University students in Tripoli-Lebanon. Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences, 5, 8 p. Franssen,R. Guida, B. Nino, M. Perrino, N. Laccetti, R. Trio, R. Kumah, D. Akuffo, K. Abaka-Cann, J. Affram, D. Osae, E. Available at: http://onlinelibrary. wiley. com/doi/10. oby. full [Accessed 8 Feb. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC5348196/ [Accessed 8 Feb. Hall, K. Available at: http://onlinelibrary. wiley. com/doi/10. tre. full [Accessed 1 Mar. Wickrama, K. and Williams, A. Adolescent obesity and young adult psychosocial outcomes: Gender and racial differences. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 37(9), pp. Pérusse, L, et al. online). Available at https://link. springer. com/chapter/10. Accessed at 08/02/2018 Rahman, M.

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