Organizational Risk Management Interview Johns Hopkins Hospital

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Health Care

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This performance is entirely due to the hospital’s dedication towards patient care established through patient surveys, letters and comments that also aided in the improvement of the process. The main principle of managing risk is establishing, planning, and executing the risk management program in the organization of healthcare (Gould et al. While examining the risk management program of John Hopkins, I conducted a comprehensive interview with a Manager of Nursing at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. I chose her because she has held a variety of managerial, research and clinical roles in her nursing career which involved her working in an interdisciplinary team. Her insights were critical in the formulation of this analysis. Perl, MD, MSc, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine University”, professor and in the epidemiology department at the Bloomberg School of Hygiene, everything is not preventable but it is vital to invest time and money in the rooms that patients are treated to help eradicate the organisms that cause these infectious diseases (Pronovost, et al.

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, 2006) Risk Management Strategies used in the organizations' infection Control Program Johns Hopkins hospital focuses more on the safety of the patient as per the Proffesor Perl (University Professor). The department of risk management deals on both the operational and clinical issues in the hospital. The department gives risk management education and training, and legal care that pertains the care of the patient, the medical staff, and all the ethical issues in general. However, the issues are varied, and each of them needs a unique solution of its own in accordance to the problem in question, the community involved, the scope, the risk to the organization, or the risk posed to the patients (Pronovost et al. Strategies that the organization utilizes to monitor and maintain its risk management plan In Johns Hopkins Hospital have numerous strategies that aid in monitoring and maintain the risk management plan.

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Active participation and cooperation with all the risk management programs is promoted by increasing employee and patient participation, thus reducing the risk. The clinical staff member can contact the department of risk management to raise a concern or to approach for advice on how to solve a particular issue. The active participation of the risk manager or the supporting teams is actively in place to assist with an incident. The supporting teams are, Quality Improvement Team, Risk Management Team, Patient Safety Committee, Behavioral Alert Group, Device Safety Subcommittee, Proactive Risk Assessment Group, Ethics Committee, and or Sentinel Event Group Committee. This program can be improved by encouraging the employees and the patients with the proper adherence to all risk management strategies.

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Introducing a general policy across the hospital is another way that will aid in the proper handling of the risk, which could effectively achieve the goal of risk management in Johns Hopkins Hospital. The hospital is constantly striving in preventing infectious diseases by the implementation of the performance improvement and quality assessment programs and steps and process to establish, identify, analyze and manage risks. References Gould, L. J. Clinical communities at Johns Hopkins Medicine: An emerging approach to quality improvement. Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety, 41(9), AP1. March, D. No. 1 again: Johns Hopkins ranked top hospital by 'U. Retrieved from http://www. marylandpatientsafety. org/documents/Annual_Conference_2014/Solutions/Risk_Management_Effective_Collaboration_and_Helping_to_Ensure_the_Delivery_of_Safe_Patient_Care.

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