Parenting issues essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Sociology

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It requires adequate preparation and a full understanding of the child, the needs and the best parenting style to apply. For a parent to realize the best of the child, one needs to adequately have extensive knowledge on all the parenting concepts and how to ensure that the child is well taken care of following all the right concepts. Various theories and sociological texts have been advocated by some of the lead scholars in the world on how to develop and realise the best parenting style. Understanding and having the general knowledge on this facts is a primary thing in the parenting closure in any given setting. Bronfenbrenner's theory and the role it plays in parenting Any new parents must be fully aware of the Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model theory and the significant roles it plays in the parenting process.

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Macrosystem is the general appearance of the general community in which the child is growing. Chronosystem is the patterns in the environmental events and the changes in the course of life (Goodall, 2017). The new parents must, therefore, have total knowledge of this theory to ensure that the child grows with ease to be the best person in their later lives. Understanding this theory also makes the new parents conscious of varies patterns in the environment that have a direct impact on the growth of the child and hence develop the best situation that can ensure that the child is growing in the right direction to be what is desired of him. Factors that inhibit the growth of the child are discussed in his theory and therefore gives the parent a choice of ensuring that they can control some of the inhibitors of growth for a better child (Cline & Fay, 2014).

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For my situation, I would encourage my friend to adopt the nanny as the best option for taking care of their child. Nannies are quite easy to maintain, and they are less expensive than their daycare options. It will also ensure that the child grows up in the home environment and this will have fewer impacts on the behaviour of the child into adopting some uncouth behaviours. The fact that enemies work at home is also another advantage as the parent will be in close contact with the child at all times. It will help in monitoring the growth of the child, and the environment will be more secure than the outside world. However, these things are quite addictive and need to be handled with maximum care.

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Media such as television sets has an impact on the child growth. It provides the best education for the growing child. On the contrary, unchecked media may contain harmful concepts to the child such as extreme violence and nudity in the society. Issues such as horror content that may scare the child and develop unnecessary fear and tension (Marie, 2017). Every parent should be aware of the various ways of boosting their children’s self-esteem as this will aid them in their later lives. One of the ways developed by scholars on how to promote the self-esteem of the child is through allowing the children to make their own choices and taking risks. Making their own choices makes them conscious of their actions and makes them accountable.

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In this way, they will be free to engage in literally almost any activity. Another method is letting them help with the house chores. They guide the children to develop mentally and cope up with the socialization with other children in the school. They help in improving the children's intellectual capacity and also building their communication skills (Latunde, 2016). Importance of positive peer interactions Peer interactions are part and parcel of any child growth process. In most children, peers are the children who are growing together either within the family or the neighbourhood. Positive peers are vital to fostering good behaviours among the children. Parenting with Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility. Tyndale House Publishers Goodall, J. Narrowing the Achievement Gap: Parental Engagement with Children’s Learning.

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